Review of revised manuscript, “Sea ice break-up and freeze-up indicators for users
of the Arctic coastal environment” submitted for publication in The Cryosphere.
This revised manuscript addresses many of my original comments, thanks for this. However, the text could still use some grammar/spelling corrections. The file with track changes lacks line numbers which would have made my reviewer’s job easier. There are still missing explanations that should go in the Data and Methods section. My main comment is that the landfast ice influence is still unclear to me, and I feel that it requires further analysis if this is to remain a key finding. I recommend another round of major revisions.
Figure 1 is much improved, thanks. Unfortunately, unless I am misinterpreting it, it still falls short in supporting a key finding of this work, namely that landfast ice strongly influences seasonal ice breakup & freezing timing. Most of the trios of sea ice concentration cells in Figure 1b lie outside of the median landfast zone, which is a problem for your finding, isn’t it? Further, while in theory it’s a good idea to partition your locations into those that are or are not strongly influenced by landfast ice, e.g. on page 23:
“The break-up start date at the coast is later than for the MASIE regions for Prudhoe (Beaufort Sea), Utqiaġvik (Chukchi Sea), Tiksi (Laptev Sea), and both Canadian locations: Churchill (Hudson Bay) and Clyde River (Baffin Bay). These sites are all Arctic coastal locations at which varying extents of landfast ice are present. By contrast, the coastal locations have earlier break-up start dates (relative to their corresponding MASIE regions) at St. Lawrence Island (Bering Sea), Mestersvig (Greenland Sea) and the Bering Strait (Chukchi Sea). These locations are less prone to experience a buildup of landfast ice during the winter.”
your interpretation of Figure 1 is puzzling, e.g. (1) The trio of sea ice concentration cells near Utqiagvik lie outside of both median and maximum landfast ice shown in Figure 1, so “varying extents of landfast ice” are NOT present there, and (2) The trio near Mestersvig lie within the maximum landfast ice zone: why is it included in the “less prone” group? I also find your new Discussion section overly long, out of place (I think a shorter version should reside in the Introduction), and not adequately tied to your specific results. Thus I think that more analysis is required to adequately support your hypothesis of strong landfast ice influence. For example, you could show a multi-year mean daily or monthly time series of landfast ice concentration or extent averaged over each sea ice concentration cell trio, with vertical bars showing interannual variability using standard deviation or quartiles, etc. This would provide information on the seasonal timing of when landfast ice comes and goes, in addition to supporting “less” or “more” “prone to landfast ice” statements.
I don’t think a “track changes” file should include your internal comments.
Page 4:
1) In the abstract, the primary objective “is;” here it “was.” Probably “is” is best for both.
2) “A subcomponent of this overall objective” -> “A secondary objective”
Page 5:
1) “In the construction of this dataset, the NASA Team algorithm (Cavalieri et al., 1984) and the NASA Bootstrap algorithm (Comiso et al., 1986) were used to process the microwave brightness
temperatures into a consistent time series of daily sea ice concentrations.” No, this is incorrect. NSIDC 0051 is pure NASA Team. This sentence refers to the CDR which evidently you did not use.
2) “Prior to applying these definitions,” What definitions?
3) What is a “generic mean filter?” Do you mean a boxcar filter?
Page 6:
1) “based on past studies and subsequent sensitivity tests” -> based on past sensitivity tests
2) “at by testing various values and selecting values” -> at by selecting values
3) “with break-up and defined freeze-up dates” -> with break-up and freeze-up dates
4) “had the best agreement with years of indigenous observations” This needs a much more extensive explanation, or perhaps reference to a previous publication.
5) “The selected values were those that generally maximized the number of such years across the various coastal locations and MASIE regions.” I think you’ve already said this and so this can be cut.
Page 9:
“the relevance of local sea ice to uses by communities” ?? not sure what is meant here
Page 12:
1) “innermost extent of the landfast ice does not always coincide with the coastline.” You should include a sentence that tells the reader that you are assuming that this is always wrong. IE landfast ice always DOES coincide with the coastline, is that correct?
2) What is the “nearshore edge?” You just implied (and should make explicit) that there is no “nearshore edge” ie that landfast ice coincides with the coastline, correct? So I am confused.
Page 12:
Cut “(8)” near the bottom
Page 14:
“The computation of the indicators was dome for the tem local” “m” -> “n” x 2
Page 17:
1) “dynamic -> “dynamic”
2) “corresponding indicators used by Bliss et al. (2019)” This material should go in the Methods section. Did you make any modifications to the Bliss method?
Page 20:
“a sufficient number of years” What is “sufficient?” This should be in the Methods section.
Page 22:
“assess the relationship between the local indicators and those for the broader MASIE regions containing the coastal locations” I think this is useful, but some caveats are in order. Your diagnostic parameters were tuned to coastal conditions, and even vetted by coastal users, yes? So, you should caution the reader that applying them to a large area that includes far-offshore regions may be a misapplication. IE your method may likely be "better" for coastal applications but it is not necessarily better (and could be worse) for either regional or pan-Arctic studies.
Page 26:
“These are regions in which it is common for ice to form along the coast in autumn, with the ice edge advancing offshore to meet the expanding main ice pack as freeze-up progresses.” Where is your proof of this? Perhaps my suggestion of moving your Discussion material to the Introduction could help solve this problem.
Page 29:
1) “middle months of the break-up and freeze-up seasons (June and November, respectively)” These seasons should be defined in the Methods section.
2) “Pacific hemisphere” This should be defined in the Methods section. I notice that Tiksi is included.
Page 35:
1) As noted above, I suggest shortening this material and moving it to the Introduction.
2) “lengthening of the open water season” Previously you discussed shortening of the ice season; you did not discuss lengthening of the open water season.
3) “The timing of break-up and freeze-up relates to the proximity to the coast” I cannot find where you showed this.
Page 36:
1) “In most cases, these differences can be related to the presence of landfast ice” I don’t think you’ve proven this.
2) Is Figure 15 necessary? I suggest not: I think Figure 1 is sufficient.
Page 42:
“The sea ice indicators used here are based on local ice climatologies informed by community ice use” This is stated several times in the manuscript, but never discussed in detail. A reference to a previous publication is provided that perhaps used this community input. Two thoughts come to mind: First, this needs more explanation here, given the number of modifications relative to the older work. IE were these modifications also “informed by community ice users?” In what way exactly? Second, is it true that this “community input” was solely from Alaskan local users? If yes, then is it good practice to develop sea ice diagnostics as done here and then apply them without modification to pan-Arctic coastal locations? This seems possibly ill-advised: any comments?
Page 43: data are available “from the author on request.” Is this sufficient for The Cryosphere? |