Articles | Volume 15, issue 4
Research article
07 Apr 2021
Research article |  | 07 Apr 2021

Modeling intensive ocean–cryosphere interactions in Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica

Kazuya Kusahara, Daisuke Hirano, Masakazu Fujii, Alexander D. Fraser, and Takeshi Tamura

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Cited articles

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Short summary
We used an ocean–sea ice–ice shelf model with a 2–3 km horizontal resolution to investigate ocean–ice shelf/glacier interactions in Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica. The numerical model reproduced the observed warm water intrusion along the deep trough in the bay. We examined in detail (1) water mass changes between the upper continental slope and shelf regions and (2) the fast-ice role in the ocean conditions and basal melting at the Shirase Glacier tongue.