Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
Research article
03 Mar 2021
Research article |  | 03 Mar 2021

Physical properties of shallow ice cores from Antarctic and sub-Antarctic islands

Elizabeth Ruth Thomas, Guisella Gacitúa, Joel B. Pedro, Amy Constance Faith King, Bradley Markle, Mariusz Potocki, and Dorothea Elisabeth Moser

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Review article: Melt-affected ice cores for polar research in a warming world
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Review article: Melt-affected ice cores for polar research in a warming world
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The Cryosphere, 18, 2691–2718,,, 2024
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Short summary
Here we present the first-ever radar and ice core data from the sub-Antarctic islands of Bouvet Island, Peter I Island, and Young Island. These islands have the potential to record past climate in one of the most data-sparse regions on earth. Despite their northerly location, surface melting is generally low, and the upper layer of the ice at most sites is undisturbed. We estimate that a 100 m ice core drilled on these islands could capture climate over the past 100–200 years.