Articles | Volume 12, issue 6
Research article
06 Jun 2018
Research article |  | 06 Jun 2018

Mercury in the Arctic tundra snowpack: temporal and spatial concentration patterns and trace gas exchanges

Yannick Agnan, Thomas A. Douglas, Detlev Helmig, Jacques Hueber, and Daniel Obrist

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for SOIL (SOIL).
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Short summary
In this study, we investigated mercury dynamics in an interior arctic tundra at Toolik Field Station (200 km from the Arctic Ocean) during two full snow seasons. We continuously measured atmospheric, snow gas phase, and soil pores mercury concentrations. We observed consistent concentration declines from the atmosphere to snowpack to soils, indicating that soils are continuous sinks of mercury. We suggest that interior arctic snowpacks may be negligible sources of mercury.