Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
Research article
25 Aug 2016
Research article |  | 25 Aug 2016

Multilevel spatiotemporal validation of snow/ice mass balance and runoff modeling in glacierized catchments

Florian Hanzer, Kay Helfricht, Thomas Marke, and Ulrich Strasser

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The importance of snowmelt spatiotemporal variability for isotope-based hydrograph separation in a high-elevation catchment
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Cited articles

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Short summary
The hydroclimatological model AMUNDSEN is set up to simulate snow and ice accumulation, ablation, and runoff for a study region in the Ötztal Alps (Austria) in the period 1997–2013. A new validation concept is introduced and demonstrated by evaluating the model performance using several independent data sets, e.g. snow depth measurements, satellite-derived snow maps, lidar data, glacier mass balances, and runoff measurements.