Articles | Volume 19, issue 1
Research article
13 Jan 2025
Research article |  | 13 Jan 2025

A hybrid ice-mélange model based on particle and continuum methods

Saskia Kahl, Carolin Mehlmann, and Dirk Notz

Model code and software

A hybrid ice-mélange model based on particle and continuum methods Saskia Kahl and Carolin Mehlmann

The Finite Element Toolkit Gascoigne M. Braack et al.

Short summary
Ice mélange, a mixture of sea ice and icebergs, can impact sea-ice–ocean interactions. But climate models do not yet represent it due to computational limits. To address this shortcoming and include ice mélange into climate models, we suggest representing icebergs as particles. We integrate their feedback into mathematical equations used to model the sea-ice motion in climate models. The setup is computationally efficient due to the iceberg particle usage and enables a realistic representation.