Articles | Volume 18, issue 12
Research article
06 Dec 2024
Research article |  | 06 Dec 2024

Spring-water temperature suggests widespread occurrence of Alpine permafrost in pseudo-relict rock glaciers

Luca Carturan, Giulia Zuecco, Angela Andreotti, Jacopo Boaga, Costanza Morino, Mirko Pavoni, Roberto Seppi, Monica Tolotti, Thomas Zanoner, and Matteo Zumiani

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Pseudo-relict rock glaciers look relict but contain patches of permafrost. They are poorly known in terms of permafrost content, spatial distribution and frequency. Here we use spring-water temperature for a preliminary estimate of the permafrost presence in rock glaciers of a 795 km2 catchment in the Italian Alps. The results show that ~50 % of rock glaciers classified as relict might be pseudo-relict and might contain ~20 % of the ice stored in the rock glaciers in the study area.