Articles | Volume 18, issue 4
Brief communication
09 Apr 2024
Brief communication |  | 09 Apr 2024

Brief communication: Identification of 140 000-year-old blue ice in the Grove Mountains, East Antarctica, by krypton-81 dating

Zhengyi Hu, Wei Jiang, Yuzhen Yan, Yan Huang, Xueyuan Tang, Lin Li, Florian Ritterbusch, Guo-Min Yang, Zheng-Tian Lu, and Guitao Shi

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Cited articles

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Short summary
The age of the surface blue ice in the Grove Mountains area is dated to be about 140 000 years, and one meteorite found here is 260 000 years old. It is inferred that the Grove Mountains blue-ice area holds considerable potential for paleoclimate studies.