Articles | Volume 18, issue 4
Research article
08 Apr 2024
Research article |  | 08 Apr 2024

Assimilation of satellite swaths versus daily means of sea ice concentration in a regional coupled ocean–sea ice model

Marina Durán Moro, Ann Kristin Sperrevik, Thomas Lavergne, Laurent Bertino, Yvonne Gusdal, Silje Christine Iversen, and Jozef Rusin

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Short summary
Individual satellite passes instead of daily means of sea ice concentration are used to correct the sea ice model forecast in the Barents Sea. The use of passes provides a significantly larger improvement of the forecasts even after a 7 d period due to the more precise information on temporal and spatial variability contained in the passes. One major advantage of the use of satellite passes is that there is no need to wait for the daily mean availability in order to update the forecast.