Articles | Volume 17, issue 3
Brief communication
15 Mar 2023
Brief communication |  | 15 Mar 2023

Brief communication: Monitoring active layer dynamics using a lightweight nimble ground-penetrating radar system – a laboratory analogue test case

Emmanuel Léger, Albane Saintenoy, Mohammed Serhir, François Costard, and Christophe Grenier

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Cited articles

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Costard, F., Dupeyrat, L., Séjourné, A., Bouchard, F., Fedorov, A., and Saint-Bézar, B.: Retrogressive Thaw Slumps on Ice-Rich Permafrost Under Degradation: Results From a Large-Scale Laboratory Simulation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2020GL091070,, 2021. a, b
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Short summary
This study presents the laboratory test of a low-cost ground-penetrating radar (GPR) system within a laboratory experiment of active layer freezing and thawing monitoring. The system is an in-house-built low-power monostatic GPR antenna coupled with a reflectometer piloted by a single-board computer and was tested prior to field deployment.