Articles | Volume 17, issue 3
Research article
10 Mar 2023
Research article |  | 10 Mar 2023

High-resolution debris-cover mapping using UAV-derived thermal imagery: limits and opportunities

Deniz Tobias Gök, Dirk Scherler, and Leif Stefan Anderson

Data sets

High-resolution debris cover mapping using UAV-derived thermal imagery D. T. Gök, D. Scherler, and L. S. Anderson

Model code and software

High-resolution debris cover mapping using UAV-derived thermal imagery D. T. Gök, D. Scherler, and L. S. Anderson

Short summary
We performed high-resolution debris-thickness mapping using land surface temperature (LST) measured from an unpiloted aerial vehicle (UAV) at various times of the day. LSTs from UAVs require calibration that varies in time. We test two approaches to quantify supraglacial debris cover, and we find that the non-linearity of the relationship between LST and debris thickness increases with LST. Choosing the best model to predict debris thickness depends on the time of the day and the terrain aspect.