Articles | Volume 16, issue 7
The Cryosphere, 16, 2701–2708, 2022
The Cryosphere, 16, 2701–2708, 2022
Brief communication
11 Jul 2022
Brief communication | 11 Jul 2022

Brief communication: Improving ERA5-Land soil temperature in permafrost regions using an optimized multi-layer snow scheme

Bin Cao et al.

Data sets

Improving ERA5-Land soil temperature in permafrost regions Bin Cao, Gabriele Arduini, and Ervin Zsoter

Short summary
We implemented a new multi-layer snow scheme in the land surface scheme of ERA5-Land with revised snow densification parameterizations. The revised HTESSEL improved the representation of soil temperature in permafrost regions compared to ERA5-Land; in particular, warm bias in winter was significantly reduced, and the resulting modeled near-surface permafrost extent was improved.