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the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Estimating surface mass balance patterns from unoccupied aerial vehicle measurements in the ablation area of the Morteratsch–Pers glacier complex (Switzerland)
Lander Van Tricht
Philippe Huybrechts
Jonas Van Breedam
Alexander Vanhulle
Kristof Van Oost
Harry Zekollari
- Final revised paper (published on 14 Sep 2021)
- Preprint (discussion started on 29 Mar 2021)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on tc-2021-94', Evan Miles, 26 Apr 2021
The study by Van Tricht et al presents a set of experiments to find the best image processing approach to resolve glacier surface mass balance from high-quality multi-year UAV measurements. The study is generally well implemented and seems to produce an approach to derive reasonable distributed SMB estimates based on the correspondence with stake measurements, suggesting filtering of thickness and velocity gradients, as well as direct flux divergence values, over a multiple-ice-thickness length scale. The study also highlights the importance of high-accuracy ice thickness data.
This is a welcome contribution to the field, as implementations of the continuity approach have come increasingly into vogue over the past few years, and UAV surveys have made high-precision topographic data a routine aspect of glacier monitoring. This study particularly offers the potential of deriving spatially-distributed flux divergence values, rather than based on glacier segments or for a single point. It is especially nice that authors have made use of a great set of field data to evaluate their model well; this is an important and challenging step . The manuscript is nicely written and the work is presented well. I do have a number of comments for the authors, including a few more substantial methodological concerns which the authors should consider, particularly with regards to the choice of filters and assumptions/effects thereof.
General comments:
It is not apparent that the authors have evaluated whether the filtering has significantly impacted the total net volume change (or net flux divergence) – is mass conserved after all the filtering? Essentially, neither the variable box average filter or the exponential decay filter are conservative – they change the local and non-local mean values. I think it is likely that this does not result in a significant difference in the total volume loss or total flux divergence, but the authors should evaluate whether the difference falls within the uncertainty of the underlying data, or whether the filtering has internally broken mass conservation.
I found it strange for all values to be in ice equivalent! This avoids the difficult topic of density (less difficult in the ablation area) but I think it would be better to make an assumption, present your results in the standard unit, and then briefly mention this problem in the discussion (future work/opportunities/needs).
One of the filtering steps (for the dH/dt data) aims to correct apparent surface changes due to advection of surface features. I would recommend that the authors examine the flow corrections of e.g. Brun et al (2018) which are a more appropriate approach to resolve this problem, but requires switching from an Eulerian to Lagrangian frame, which is anyhow more appropriate for comparing to a stake.
For both velocity and thinning datasets, the authors have discarded data outside the glacier boundary, but they should instead use these data to empirically assess the quality of their results. Similarly, the combination of the ice thickness datasets is a bit awkward; it would make more sense to me to integrate all available bed elevation observations to produce an optimal ice thickness dataset. However, this may not be feasible for multiple reasons, and would require reprocessing nearly all datasets, so I can understand that the authors may wish to avoid that course.
The justification of an exponential decay filter is not particularly strong, and I am concerned that the optimal distance results may be sensitive to the type of filter used. It would be worthwhile to consider other approaches or justify this choice (and its implicit assumption).
Minor comments:
L26-L27. suggest ‘…several times the local ice thickness, accomplished in this study using an exponential decay filter.’ There are several ways to consider the larger scale variations in stresses; your study nicely points to the exponential decay filter as one good approach.
L42. I’d suggest spelling out interpolation here and in the conclusions. Not so many letters but improves readability.
L51-53. Suggest citing Berthier et al (2012) or similar studies here. Also a key point is that even if one corrects for ice flow, assumptions regarding ice density are needed to assess glacier mass balance, which are not the same assumptions as for the glacier scale (e.g. Huss, 2013).
L60. There are many other relevant references here, and you can’t be exhaustive, but see also Brun et al., (2018) and Wagnon et al (2020).
L64. I’d be more explicit that many studies reduce the problem by using flux gates. I suppose this is a one-dimensional reduction and indeed smoothing, but it’s also an entirely different kind of data processing.
L152. Is this the difference in SMB values or the rate?
L171-183. The disagreement of the two thickness datasets is interesting and not terribly surprising. However, I am surprised that the authors have relied on the two modelled datasets (based on distinct field measurements and necessarily extrapolated using physical principles) rather than integrating the underlying field measurements of bed elevations in an updated ice thickness estimate. Surely this would result in a better consensus than the mean of two model results? This would allow you to also integrate your 2020 measurement(s).
L188. These values differ by 18-24%
L255. Did you look at your off-glacier dH measurements (bias and standard deviation) at all? As with velocity, these provide an important measurement of error.
L260. Yes, these undulations are quite annoying from a geodetic perspective (and they mostly cancel one another out) but I find it strange to filter them out, when you could instead flow-correct the DEM (or underlying point cloud) using your velocity data (see Brun et al, 2018). An important test for this filtering is whether volume change is conserved before and after – do the volume-change measurements before and after the filtering equate? They are likely to be very close, but bear in mind that you are eliminating real volume changes; this is a good reason to consider warping your DEM to correct for glacier flow.
L277. Why is 25 in the denominator here? Should this be delta-x?
L294. Please indicate what ImGRAFT settings you used, which correlator, etc, just for replicability.
L303. Are the glacier outlines from a standard source (which?) or did you digitize them yourself?
L303. It’s fine to remove them for your filtering, but the off-glacier velocity vectors give you an important metric of velocity uncertainty!
L304. Do you median filter the u and v components or the speed (and direction)?
L357. These studies don’t really ‘resample’ to a lower resolution, they are instead resolving the flux across a gate or set of gates.
L367. The choice of an exponential decay filter is interesting! I’m not fully convinced that an exponential is the best choice but neither is it a bad filter – have you tested or considered other filters for this? Unlike others (Gaussian, Weibull, mean/median), the exponential decay filter considers the closest observations to be the best estimate, giving the local value the highest weight. Do you have a reason to assume this to be the case? For instance, a block mean/median (as used for the dh/dt) would consider all nearby measurements to be a reasonable estimate. I see the exponential decay for a perturbation of ice thickness, but this is really the inverse process, no? I mean, the noise in the flux divergence map (which should be shown somewhere, by the way!) is in part due to ice thickness/velocity errors and in part due to the far-field longitudinal stresses. Did you test or consider other filtering approaches? For instance a Gaussian filter exhibits a similar distance decay, but considers any of the nearby estimates to be reasonable and weights them more or less equally.
L400. A concern here is that this filtering can internally ‘break’ conservation of mass. That is to say that the net flux divergence over your survey zone should equate to the flux into your survey zone; this should be the case with your gridded flux divergences, but after this filtering (which is not mass-conserving!) the net flux divergence (the integral of all pixel flux divergences) can change. Have you checked this? It is likely that the difference is within the uncertainty bounds of the flux into your lower domain, but this is a key problem with applying such filtering, and should be mentioned.
L403-407. The justification for applying both filters is not entirely clear to me from the text here. I see (later) that it does appear to improve the MAE results, but the text here could make the case more clearly for this.
L446. Looks like the comma wasn’t meant to be here
L451. The exception of the debris-melt-reduction is the terminal ice cliff, as identified by e.g. Immerzeel et al (2014).
L453-456. It is certainly possible that this pattern is due to avalanches, but it’s worth nothing as well that this is probably the least-constrained part of your survey area; do you have GCPs or GVPs that high?
L467. ‘are occurring’ -> ‘are evident’
L490. ‘Constant box filter’ -> not clear what you mean here. Do you mean the average value of a box (e.g. altitudinal or longitudinal bin)?
L499. What is the physical meaning of k=3? Three times the local surface velocity? The spatial pattern looks nice, but in my mind it would be much better to flow-correct your DEM as in Brun et al (2018). This of course represents a shift from an Eulerian to Lagrangian frame.
Figures 5 and 7. dh/dt has units of m per year.
Figure 8. The black dashed line for VM is missing on the right panel. These would represent the ideal cross section to assess whether your filtering has conserved mass (flux through cross section = integral of flux divergence).
L540-542. I’d avoid the speculation about a slowdown; you would need very different data and methods to assess this meaningfully!
L553. Section reference to 4.3 within 4.3
L605. This shows a problem of the filtering used here – the possible local ablation increase, if present in the dH/dt, has been filtered out.
Figure 12. Very nice summary; the processing has produced some very nice results in terms of reproducing the stake measurements!
L627. Nice to see this lateral heterogeneity highlighted, and very nice to see the local deviations from a linear ablation gradient. Can you indicate the standard deviation of SMB for elevation bins (for example) based on your data?
L638. See e.g. van Woerkom et al, 2019.
L648-655. This is a really nice result, because it highlights an area where the assumption b=b_s breaks down. Do you have any measurements to isolate the surface and subsurface melt in these areas?
L667. I suggest making a note that the perturbation details will follow
L670. Is this MAE computed for all years’ data or a single year?
L672-674. I’d appreciate a few more details about the implementation of these random perturbations. I can’t tell if this is the equivalent of ‘random Gaussian fields’ or something else. Are the perturbation magnitudes also random (per realization? Per lump?).
L679. Do the perturbations of F, thickness, and velocity also follow the same ‘patch’ approach?
Figure 14. It is clear that the thickness perturbations have had the greatest effect, but these were also the greatest perturbation (30% vs 10% for velocity), due to the uncertainty of the underlying dataset(s). As such, these results do not really correspond to ‘sensitivity’ but somewhat more the ‘uncertainty’ attributable to an individual dataset. I.e. if the thickness data had a 10% uncertainty, how would its associated errors compare to the velocity-associated errors?
L705. My only criticism here is that only the exponential decay has been tested, and I am not sure that it is necessarily better or conclusive, so I would suggest softening the language around ‘necessary’ to instead indicate that the exponential filter produces closer correspondence to stake measurements.
L738. I’m missing a discussion section considering implications/recommendations/future work? Density considerations? How important are the lateral variations in SMB (how much impact do they have on mass loss overall?) etc.
Brun, F., Wagnon, P., Berthier, E., Shea, J. M., Immerzeel, W. W., Kraaijenbrink, D. A., … Arnaud, Y. (2018). Ice cliff contribution to the tongue-wide ablation of Changri Nup Glacier, Nepal, central Himalaya. The Cryosphere, 12, 3439–3457.
Van Woerkom, T., Steiner, J. F., Kraaijenbrink, P. D. A., Miles, E. S., & Immerzeel, W. W. (2019). Sediment supply from lateral moraines to a debris-covered glacier in the Himalaya. Earth Surface Dynamics, 7(2), 411–427.
WAGNON, P., BRUN, F., KHADKA, A., BERTHIER, E., Dibas SHRESTHA, VINCENT, C., … JOMELLI, V. (2020). Reanalysing the glaciological mass balance series of Mera Glacier (Nepal, Central Himalaya) using geodetic mass balance, (2013), 1–9. Retrieved from Under review
Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Lander Van Tricht, 22 Jun 2021
In the attached document, we respond to the comments of reviewer 1, Evan Miles, one by one. Whenever some entirely new text has been added to the manuscript, it has been added in italics and in red. In the proposed revised manuscript, which is added at the bottom of the document, the textual changes have been added in red.
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Lander Van Tricht, 22 Jun 2021
RC2: 'Comment on tc-2021-94', Anonymous Referee #2, 03 May 2021
Review of „Estimating surface mass balance patterns from UAV measurements on the ablation area of the Morteratsch-Pers glacier complex (Switzerland)” by
- van Tricht and others
The authors of this manuscript investigate the possibilities of combining observations of high-resolution surface elevation changes with information about ice thickness and flux-divergence for estimating local surface mass balance. Due to the time and cost intensive stake measurements for determining the glaciological mass balance, such an approach might be useful to extend the number of observed glaciers, at least for mass balance estimates across the ablation zone. In addition, such a method might provide much improved information about the spatial distribution of surface mass balance, which cannot be gained by the usual interpolation of stake measurements.
The paper is nicely written, the methods are clearly described and the data are well presented. Also the results are rather promising in relation to the potential of this method. During recent years there have been several groups working on similar approaches, which was probably timely, because of the availability of low-cost aerial surveys by the application of UAVs. Besides some minor issues, I only have a few more in-depth remarks, which should be considered within a revised version of the manuscript.
The main problem I see in the workflow presented, is the use of the ice thickness data. I cannot see any reason why the mean of the two existing data sets will be the best solution. Rather, I would have expected that experiments are carried out for both data sets and based on the results, there is a discussion about the suitability of the existing data.
Also, I am not fully convinced about the application of the exponential decay filters for the flux data. Here, I would expect an improved argument, why such a filter should be used instead of others.
The results of the “continuity equation method” are compared to local stake field measurements. This is a fair approach. However, I miss a discussion about the validity of the method with respect to the ice thickness data. As far as I can see, ice thickness data have been collected close to the stake network. Therefore, also the extrapolated and filtered ice thickness data are close to the real values in these locations, which very likely improves the validity of the local results. Further away from the stake locations, a comparison of both data sets becomes much more difficult, as the SMB distribution from field measurements might not resemble reality (as is postulated in the manuscript), but the derived SMB based on interpolated ice thicknesses might also not provide the same degree of accuracy, as close to the measured profiles. Based on the existing data there is not very much, which could be done, but for me it seems appropriate to include this issue at least in the discussion of the results.
Minor comments:
- 16: please better distinguish between gacier-wide SMB and local point SMB
- 20: The “continuity equation method” needs some introduction
- 27: The application of the exponential decay filter is not a-priori required for obtaining a suitable accuracy. There might be also other filters, which are suitable for this.
- 37: “Local energy budget”, temperature ist not the primary driver of melt
- 42: Not at every glacier, the stake network consists of a “small” number of stakes.
- 48: Geodetic methods are used since many decades, not only “lately”.
- 66: it is not the lack of satellite data, but the lack of high-resolution obserbations.
Fig. 1: The strange shape of the snout of Vadret da Morteratsch needs some explanation. It is due to the debris cover, but it might be a good idea to explain that at some stage.
- 126: Is it possible to provide a maximum estimate of the melt effect during this period?
Table 1: Flight altitude is a bit misleading, as it is height above ground.
- 136: Which service of swipos? Is there a reference for that?
- 148: This is just an “impressive” number. It would be more reasonable to provide the average number of stakes and the number of observation years.
- 152: Are the numbers the difference? Otherwise they should be negative.
- 179: GlaTe requires reference.
- 182: The reference year is 2001 according to Zekollari et al., 2013.
- 187: Are these values corrected to a common year? Please provide this information. Also, Zekollari provides an accuracy estimate of 50 m for the maximum ice depth.
- 192: This is not a hypothesis, it is a fact that the two distribution will provide different results.
- 194: “thickest point”, rather “thickest region”, as you cannot be sure that the absolute maximum was covered by the measurements.
- 203: Your minimum assumption is for regions with a today ice cover?
- 212: “bedrock elevation inferred”, I guess these are the areas, where the h_min of 5 m is applied?
- 232: “because”, typo
- 260/292: Why do you filter these patterns? You could use the surface velocity field to correct for them.
- 303: There is no mentioning of using the velocities outside the glacier for correction/quality control.
- 388/389: Did you take into account the uncertainties of the input parameters? Ice thickness has large errors, which increase with thickness.
- 413: Where does the uncertainty of the surface SMB come from? There might be quite some variation in the perimeter of 25 m, if the surface is not homogeneous.
- 455: Is this region part of the SMB considerations? If yes, is a density correction included?
- 470: standard deviation of what?
- 515/516: What does “deformations of the surface” mean in this context?
- 564: Should the value be negative?
- 569: What about the THIL dataset? Do you rely only on the THIZ data set in this region?
- 589: -13 m/yr: I cannot see any values close to this number in Fig. 12.
- 629/630: This is an area, where the accuracy of the ice thickness is probably lowest due to the lack of measurements and problems with the numerical representation.
- 634: The “-12 m/yr” are a result from the continuity equation. Such an ablation rate is rather unlikely, unless there is a very thin layer of debris, which enhances melt.
- 635ff: This needs some supporting information, as debris cover is only in rather special cases related to the activity of lateral moraines.
- 693/694: This relates to glacier wide mean values. The sensitivity is probably much larger for local difference between measured and modelled values.
- 756/757: SMBs are compared at locations where ice thickness information is mostly based on measurements (the thickness profiles are along the stakes at least for THIZ). Therefore it is difficult to asses the accuracy for regions further away from the measurements.
Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Lander Van Tricht, 22 Jun 2021
In the attached document, we respond to the comments of reviewer 2 one by one. We also refer to the other documents with comments of the other reviewers to prevent repetition. Whenever some entirely new text has been added to the manuscript, it has been added in italics and in red below. In the proposed revised manuscript, which is added at the bottom of the document, the textual changes have been added in red.
CC1: 'Comment on tc-2021-94', Alexander Raphael Groos, 24 May 2021
This is an interactive comment on the manuscript by Lander Van Tricht et al. (hereafter the authors) entitled “Estimating surface mass balance patterns from UAV measurements on the ablation area of the Morteratsch-Pers glacier complex (Switzerland)”. In their study, the authors investigate the potential of surface elevation change and surface velocity data obtained from repeated UAV surveys in combination with ice thickness data to produce high-resolution ice flux divergence and surface mass balance maps of the ablation zone of alpine valley glaciers. This contribution is very welcome as it introduces an approach to determine spatial variations of the glacier mass balance, which can hardly be assessed by stake measurement alone. In view of the ever increasing number of high-resolution topographic data, UAV-based surface mass balance investigations seem to be a viable complementation to glaciological mass balance observations. Moreover, the described method might also be useful to investigate the surface mass balance of glaciers that are difficult to access. Whether the UAV-based approach (especially when relying on GCPs rather than on RTK) is less time-consuming than classical ablation stake measurements is, however, questionable.
The manuscript is well-structured and the methods are clearly described. However, I have some remarks and questions, mainly concerning the presented UAV data. I have tried not to repeat the reviewers' comments, but there may still be some overlaps.
General comments:
To my knowledge, the high-resolution UAV-based topographic datasets of the ablation area of the Morteratsch-Pers glacier complex have not been presented elsewhere before. Therefore, I would have expected a more rigorous accuracy assessment and a more detailed description of the datasets, although I don’t doubt that the datasets are generally of high quality.
- Did you experience any difficulties or problems during the areal surveys that should be considered by other groups when applying this method in the future?
- On which days were the aerial surveys performed. Did the illumination conditions (e.g. cloud cover) change during the 4-6 days field work period and did this affect the image processing?
- Can you estimate the melt rate and surface lowering during these days? If 4 to 6 days passed between the aerial surveys and the melt rate was in the order of 3-4 cm day⁻¹, this would translate into surface an elevation change in the order of 12 to 24 cm (if ice flow is ignored). Did this affect the image processing and the generated digital surface models in any way?
- How were the GCPs distributed across the ablation area? Could you include the position of the GCPs in one of the overview maps (e.g. Fig. 2), at least exemplarily for one year?
- How many of the GCPs were used for “calibration” and how many for “validation” (GVPs)? Better distinguish betweeen GCPs and GVPs from the beginning.
- I think the major drawback is that the “stable terrain” outside the glacier area was not considered to assess the accuracy of the DMSs. You mentioned that the vertical accuracy of the Trimble 7 GeoXH RTK GPS used to measure the GCPs is in the order of 20-30 cm. As stated in Table 2, the mean absolute error (MAE) of each DSM is less than 10 cm. This means that the DSM are self-consistent and very accurate (at least relative to the considered GCPs), but the MAE does not tell you anything about the xyz-offset between the DSMs of the different years. Therefore, I would suggest to compare the DSMs over stable terrain (in case you covered such an area during your surveys).
- In 2020, you used a UAV with RTK. I assume that in this case you considered the distributed GCPs only for validation. Is this correct?
Minor comments:
Abstract: The acronym SMB is defined in the abstract, but the acronym UAV not. Define both in the abstract or introduction.
L68: Maybe use a gender-neutral term such as “Unoccupied Aerial Vehicle (UAV)” that have been introduced recently (Joyce et al. 2021) and become more and more popular in the community.
L69-72: Maybe mention here that repeated UAV surveys have been conducted before by other groups in different regions to derive surface velocities (e.g. Kraaijenbrink et al., 2016; Benoit et al., 2019) or to compare surface elevation change with ablation stake measurements (e.g. Groos et al., 2019*), emphasising the need for or potential of a transferable method to use such topographic data to determine the SMB distribution.
Figure 1: It’s a personal preference, but I think for international readers geographic coordinates (LatLon) would be more informative.
L117-119: Where no surveys performed in 2017 or was the photogrammetric processing not successful? Other studies have shown that the SFM-technique in principle also works for snow-covered areas (e.g. Bühler et al., 2016). Or was it impossible to distribute GCPs under this circumstnaces?
L126: Can you estimate the uncertainty? See general comment.
Table 1: Could you provide some more information here: e.g. flight dates, range of height above ground level, no. of images acquired, size of surveyed area...
L134: Can you include the position of the GCPs (at least exemplarily for one year) in one of the overview maps, in Fig. 2?
L141: In case of the 2020 surveys, were the GCPs only used for validation? Is it realistic that the P4RTK system is more accurate than the Trimble 7 GeoXH RTK GPS? Any comparative tests on stable terrain?
L148: Can you provide the total number of ablation stakes rather than the number of measurements?
Figure 2: see comment Fig. 1 and L134.
Figure 3: The two reviewers already commented on that. Why is the average of both datasets the best choice? Would there be any arguments for using one over the other. Anyway, the sensitivity analysis is appreciated. Would it be possible to include the conducted radar measurements pathways in panel a and panel b? It would be helpful to use the empty lower right panel to include a difference map of THIZ and THIL to highlight areas of good agreement and areas with larger uncertainties.
L232: because => because
L248: Why did you choose the old Swiss Grid (CH1903 LV03) rather than the new one (CH1903+ LV95)?
L250: How many of the GCPs were used as GVPs? It would be fair to provide some more details and, if possible, indicate them in one of the maps (e.g. in Fig. 2).
L252: Sometimes you use 5-10 cm and sometimes 0.05-0.10 m. Try to be consistent.
L431-432: The stated MAE defines the accuracy of a DSM relatively to the used GCPs, but it does not tell you anything about the “absolute” accuracy. This can only be assessed by considering data from “stable terrain” outside the glacierised area. The vertical accuracy of the Trimble 7 GeoXH RTK GPS was stated to be in the order of 20-30 cm, so it is likely that the difference between DSMs from different acquisition dates is larger than the stated MAE in Table 2.
Table 2: Does the GCP density also include the points used as GVPs?
L453-457: Did you place GCPs in the relatively steep area? If not, do you think the observed positive surface elevation changes between 2019 and 2020 could be the result of inaccuracies of the DSMs (especially at the margin of your study area) rather than a mass gain related to increased avalanche activity? It’s not necessarily the case here, but DSMs are prone to large-scale distortions (e.g. warping) if no GCPs are distributed at the margin of the study area (e.g. James and Robson, 2014; Groos et al., 2019*).
I would suggest to include a discussion section to elaborate on the implications of your study and recommendations for future work. Regarding the transferability of the presented approach, it would be interesting to discuss the uncertainties related to the use of modelled ice thickness data (e.g. Farinotti et al., 2021) when applying your method to determine spatial SMB variations of glaciers in data-scarce regions. Are there any limitations or challenges that should be considered when applying this method to mountain glaciers with a different setting (e.g. varying geometry, varying surface velocities, varying debris cover extent, presence of ponds and ice cliffs). Moreover, glaciers, for which multiannual high-resolution topographic data from repeated UAV surveys already exist (e.g. Kraaijenbrink et al., 2016; Benoit et al., 2019 Groos et al., 2019*), could be briefly mentioned as potential sites for the further testing of the presented method. Recommendations regarding best practices for the implementation of UAV-surveys in mountainous terrain could also be included here.
Benoit, L., Gourdon, A., Vallat, R., Irarrazaval, I., Gravey, M., Lehmann, B., Prasicek, G., Gräff, D., Herman, F., and Mariethoz, G. (2019). A high-resolution image time series of the Gorner Glacier – Swiss Alps – derived from repeated unmanned aerial vehicle surveys. Earth Syst. Sci. Data 11, 579–588.
Bühler, Y., Adams, M.S., Bösch, R., and Stoffel, A. (2016). Mapping snow depth in alpine terrain with unmanned aerial systems (UASs): potential and limitations. The Cryosphere 10, 1075–1088.
Farinotti, D., Brinkerhoff, D.J., Fürst, J.J., Gantayat, P., Gillet-Chaulet, F., Huss, M., Leclercq, P.W., Maurer, H., Morlighem, M., Pandit, A., et al. (2021). Results from the Ice Thickness Models Intercomparison eXperiment Phase 2 (ITMIX2). Front. Earth Sci. 8, 571923.
Groos, A.R., Bertschinger, T.J., Kummer, C.M., Erlwein, S., Munz, L., and Philipp, A. (2019). The Potential of Low-Cost UAVs and Open-Source Photogrammetry Software for High-Resolution Monitoring of Alpine Glaciers: A Case Study from the Kanderfirn (Swiss Alps). Geosciences 9, 1–21. *Conflict of interest: I don’t intend to sneak in our own publication, so I fully understand if the authors reject to consider any of the references listed here...
James, M.R., and Robson, S. (2014). Mitigating systematic error in topographic models derived from UAV and ground-based image networks. Earth Surf. Process. Landf. 39, 1413–1420.
Joyce, K.E., Anderson, K., and Bartolo, R.E. (2021). Of Course We Fly Unmanned—We’re Women! Drones 5, 21.
Kraaijenbrink, P., Meijer, S.W., Shea, J.M., Pellicciotti, F., De Jong, S.M., and Immerzeel, W.W. (2016). Seasonal surface velocities of a Himalayan glacier derived by automated correlation of unmanned aerial vehicle imagery. Annals of Glaciology 57, 103–113.
Citation: -
AC3: 'Reply on CC1', Lander Van Tricht, 22 Jun 2021
In the attached document, we respond to the comments of reviewer 3 one by one. We also refer to the other documents with comments of the other reviewers to prevent repetition. Whenever some entirely new text has been added to the manuscript, it has been added in italics and in red below. In the proposed revised manuscript, which is added at the bottom of the document, the textual changes have been added in red.
AC3: 'Reply on CC1', Lander Van Tricht, 22 Jun 2021
Peer review completion