Articles | Volume 15, issue 5
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The surface energy balance in a cold and arid permafrost environment, Ladakh, Himalayas, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),
Roorkee, India
Renoj J. Thayyen
Water Resources System Division, National Institute of
Hydrology, Roorkee, India
Chandra Shekhar Prasad Ojha
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),
Roorkee, India
Stephan Gruber
Department of Geography & Environmental
Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Related authors
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Bin Cao and Stephan Gruber
EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for The Cryosphere (TC).
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The climate-driven changes in cold regions have an outsized importance for local resilient communities and for global climate through teleconnections. We shows that reanalyses are less accurate in cold regions compared to other more populated regions, coincident with the low density of observations. Our findings likely point to similar gaps in our knowledge and capabilities for climate research and services in cold regions.
Alessandro Cicoira, Samuel Weber, Andreas Biri, Ben Buchli, Reynald Delaloye, Reto Da Forno, Isabelle Gärtner-Roer, Stephan Gruber, Tonio Gsell, Andreas Hasler, Roman Lim, Philippe Limpach, Raphael Mayoraz, Matthias Meyer, Jeannette Noetzli, Marcia Phillips, Eric Pointner, Hugo Raetzo, Cristian Scapozza, Tazio Strozzi, Lothar Thiele, Andreas Vieli, Daniel Vonder Mühll, Vanessa Wirz, and Jan Beutel
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 5061–5091,,, 2022
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This paper documents a monitoring network of 54 positions, located on different periglacial landforms in the Swiss Alps: rock glaciers, landslides, and steep rock walls. The data serve basic research but also decision-making and mitigation of natural hazards. It is the largest dataset of its kind, comprising over 209 000 daily positions and additional weather data.
Francisco José Cuesta-Valero, Hugo Beltrami, Stephan Gruber, Almudena García-García, and J. Fidel González-Rouco
Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 7913–7932,,, 2022
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Inversions of subsurface temperature profiles provide past long-term estimates of ground surface temperature histories and ground heat flux histories at timescales of decades to millennia. Theses estimates complement high-frequency proxy temperature reconstructions and are the basis for studying continental heat storage. We develop and release a new bootstrap method to derive meaningful confidence intervals for the average surface temperature and heat flux histories from any number of profiles.
Élise G. Devoie, Stephan Gruber, and Jeffrey M. McKenzie
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 3365–3377,,, 2022
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Soil freezing characteristic curves (SFCCs) relate the temperature of a soil to its ice content. SFCCs are needed in all physically based numerical models representing freezing and thawing soils, and they affect the movement of water in the subsurface, biogeochemical processes, soil mechanics, and ecology. Over a century of SFCC data exist, showing high variability in SFCCs based on soil texture, water content, and other factors. This repository summarizes all available SFCC data and metadata.
Sonali Swetapadma and Chandra Shekhar Prasad Ojha
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,,, 2021
Revised manuscript not accepted
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Entropy has become an effective scientific tool of the 21st century with numerous water resources and hydrology applications. This study explores a new dimension to applying entropy. The principle of maximum entropy theory is used to locate the optimum threshold and the underlying distributions in partial duration series modeling of flood frequency analysis. Comparison of the results with some previous findings suggests the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Niccolò Tubini, Stephan Gruber, and Riccardo Rigon
The Cryosphere, 15, 2541–2568,,, 2021
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We present a new method to compute temperature changes with melting and freezing – a fundamental challenge in cryosphere research – extremely efficiently and with guaranteed correctness of the energy balance for any time step size. This is a key feature since the integration time step can then be chosen according to the timescale of the processes to be studied, from seconds to days.
Rupesh Subedi, Steven V. Kokelj, and Stephan Gruber
The Cryosphere, 14, 4341–4364,,, 2020
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Permafrost beneath tundra near Lac de Gras (Northwest Territories, Canada) contains more ice and less organic carbon than shown in global compilations. Excess-ice content of 20–60 %, likely remnant Laurentide basal ice, is found in upland till. This study is based on 24 boreholes up to 10 m deep. Findings highlight geology and glacial legacy as determinants of a mosaic of permafrost characteristics with potential for thaw subsidence up to several metres in some locations.
Bin Cao, Stephan Gruber, Donghai Zheng, and Xin Li
The Cryosphere, 14, 2581–2595,,, 2020
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This study reports that ERA5-Land (ERA5L) soil temperature bias in permafrost regions correlates with the bias in air temperature and with maximum snow height. While global reanalyses are important drivers for permafrost study, ERA5L soil data are not well suited for directly informing permafrost research decision making due to their warm bias in winter. To address this, future soil temperature products in reanalyses will require permafrost-specific alterations to their land surface models.
Stephan Gruber
The Cryosphere, 14, 1437–1447,,, 2020
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A simple method to record heave and subsidence of the land surface at specific field locations is described. Hourly observations from three sites, over two winters and one summer, are analyzed and discussed. The data are rich in features that point to the influence of freezing and thawing and of wetting and drying of the soil. This type of observation may offer new insight into the processes of heat and mass transfer in soil and help to monitor climate change impacts.
Bin Cao, Xiaojing Quan, Nicholas Brown, Emilie Stewart-Jones, and Stephan Gruber
Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 4661–4679,,, 2019
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GlobSim is a tool for simulating land-surface processes and phenomena at point locations globally, even where no site-specific meteorological observations exist. This is important because simulation can add insight to the analysis of observations or help in anticipating climate-change impacts and because site-specific simulation can help in model evaluation.
Joe R. Melton, Diana L. Verseghy, Reinel Sospedra-Alfonso, and Stephan Gruber
Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 4443–4467,,, 2019
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Soils in cold regions store large amounts of carbon that could be released to the atmosphere if the soils thaw. To best simulate these soils, we explored different configurations and parameterizations of the CLASS-CTEM model and compared to observations. The revised model with a deeper soil column, new soil depth dataset, and inclusion of moss simulated greatly improved annual thaw depths and ground temperatures. We estimate subgrid-scale features limit further improvements against observations.
Samuel Weber, Jan Beutel, Reto Da Forno, Alain Geiger, Stephan Gruber, Tonio Gsell, Andreas Hasler, Matthias Keller, Roman Lim, Philippe Limpach, Matthias Meyer, Igor Talzi, Lothar Thiele, Christian Tschudin, Andreas Vieli, Daniel Vonder Mühll, and Mustafa Yücel
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 11, 1203–1237,,, 2019
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In this paper, we describe a unique 10-year or more data record obtained from in situ measurements in steep bedrock permafrost in an Alpine environment on the Matterhorn Hörnligrat, Zermatt, Switzerland, at 3500 m a.s.l. By documenting and sharing these data in this form, we contribute to facilitating future research based on them, e.g., in the area of analysis methodology, comparative studies, assessment of change in the environment, natural hazard warning and the development of process models.
Uttam Singh, Venkappayya R. Desai, Pramod K. Sharma, and Chandra S. P. Ojha
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.,,, 2018
Preprint withdrawn
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In this study, 25 years mean monthly out flow discharge data of Farakka barrage was used (i.e., from 1949 to 1968). Farakka barrage is located between on Ganga River. Spatial and temporal variation in flow rate for any particular area is very common due to various meteorological and other factors existing in nature.
Anoop Kumar Shukla, Shray Pathak, Lalit Pal, Chandra Shekhar Prasad Ojha, Ana Mijic, and Rahul Dev Garg
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 5357–5371,,, 2018
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In this study, we carried out a comparative evaluation of water yield using two approaches, the Lumped Zhang model and the pixel-based approach. Even in pixel-level computations, experiments are made with existing models of some of the involved parameters. The study indicates not only the suitability of pixel-based computations but also clarifies the suitable model of some of the parameters to be used with pixel-based computations to obtain better results.
Anoop Kumar Shukla, Chandra Shekhar Prasad Ojha, Ana Mijic, Wouter Buytaert, Shray Pathak, Rahul Dev Garg, and Satyavati Shukla
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 4745–4770,,, 2018
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Geospatial technologies and OIP are promising tools to study the effect of demographic changes and LULC transformations on the spatiotemporal variations in the water quality (WQ) across a large river basin. Therefore, this study could help to assess and solve local and regional WQ-related problems over a river basin. It may help the policy makers and planners to understand the status of water pollution so that suitable strategies could be planned for sustainable development in a river basin.
Bin Cao, Stephan Gruber, and Tingjun Zhang
Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 2905–2923,,, 2017
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To derive the air temperature in mountain enviroments, we propose a new downscaling method with a spatially variable magnitude of surface effects. Our findings suggest that the difference between near-surface air temperature and upper-air temerpature is a good proxy of surface effects. It can be used to improve downscaling results, especially in valleys with strong surface effects and cold air pooling during winter.
Stephan Gruber, Renate Fleiner, Emilie Guegan, Prajjwal Panday, Marc-Olivier Schmid, Dorothea Stumm, Philippus Wester, Yinsheng Zhang, and Lin Zhao
The Cryosphere, 11, 81–99,,, 2017
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We review what can be inferred about permafrost in the mountains of the Hindu Kush Himalaya region. This is important because the area of permafrost exceeds that of glaciers in this region. Climate change will produce diverse permafrost-related impacts on vegetation, water quality, geohazards, and livelihoods. To mitigate this, a better understanding of high-elevation permafrost in subtropical latitudes as well as the pathways connecting environmental change and human livelihoods, is needed.
Renoj J. Thayyen and Ashok P. Dimri
The Cryosphere Discuss.,,, 2016
Revised manuscript not accepted
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Present study shows that the seasonal variations in the temperature lapse rate along the Himalayan slopes is dominated by pre-monsoon high and monsoon lows. However, lapse rates restricted to the higher elevation regions did not show this seasonal variation. As the observed lapse rate deviate significantly from standard lapse rate of 6.5 K/km, a modeling solution is proposed by deriving monthly lapse rate indices for improving the snow, glaciers and other modeling effort in the region.
V. Wirz, S. Gruber, R. S. Purves, J. Beutel, I. Gärtner-Roer, S. Gubler, and A. Vieli
Earth Surf. Dynam., 4, 103–123,,, 2016
M.-O. Schmid, P. Baral, S. Gruber, S. Shahi, T. Shrestha, D. Stumm, and P. Wester
The Cryosphere, 9, 2089–2099,,, 2015
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The extent and distribution of permafrost in the mountainous parts of the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region are largely unknown. This article provides a first-order assessment of the two available permafrost maps in the HKH region based on the mapping of rock glaciers in Google Earth. The Circum-Arctic Map of Permafrost and Ground Ice Conditions does not reproduce mapped conditions in the HKH region adequately, whereas the Global Permafrost Zonation Index does so with more success.
A. Hasler, M. Geertsema, V. Foord, S. Gruber, and J. Noetzli
The Cryosphere, 9, 1025–1038,,, 2015
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In this paper we describe surface and thermal offsets derived from distributed measurements at seven field sites in British Columbia. Key findings are i) a small variation of the surface offsets between surface types; ii) small thermal offsets at all sites; iii) a clear influence of the micro-topography due to snow cover effects; iv) a north--south difference of the surface offset of 4°C in vertical bedrock and of 1.5–-3°C on open gentle slopes; v) only small macroclimatic differences.
J. Fiddes, S. Endrizzi, and S. Gruber
The Cryosphere, 9, 411–426,,, 2015
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This paper demonstrates a new land surface modelling approach that uses globally available data sets to generate high-resolution simulation results of land surface processes. We successfully simulate a highly resolution-dependent variable, ground surface temperatures, over the entire Swiss Alps at high resolution. We use a large evaluation data set to test the model. We suggest that this scheme represents a useful step in application of numerical models over large areas in heterogeneous terrain.
S. Endrizzi, S. Gruber, M. Dall'Amico, and R. Rigon
Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 2831–2857,,, 2014
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GEOtop is a fine scale grid-based simulator that represents the heat and water budgets at and below the soil surface, reproduces the highly non-linear interactions between the water and energy balance during soil freezing and thawing and simulates snow cover. The core components of GEOtop 2.0. are described. Based on a synthetic simulation, it is shown that the interaction of processes represented in GEOtop 2.0. can result in phenomena that are relevant for applications involving frozen soils.
R. J. Thayyen and A. P. Dimri
The Cryosphere Discuss.,,, 2014
Revised manuscript not accepted
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Slope environmental lapse rate of temperature in the monsoon and cold-arid regimes of the higher Himalaya is found to be varying between 9.0 to 1.9oC/km and 17.0 to 2.8oC/km respectively highlighting strong regional variability. Moisture availability/absence is found to be the key factor forcing the lapse rate variability. Present study also provided a modelling solution for estimating the lapse rate.Study suggests that the arbitrary use of lapse rate in the Himalaya is is extremely untenable
V. Wirz, J. Beutel, S. Gruber, S. Gubler, and R. S. Purves
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 2503–2520,,, 2014
J. Fiddes and S. Gruber
Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 387–405,,, 2014
S. Gubler, S. Endrizzi, S. Gruber, and R. S. Purves
Geosci. Model Dev., 6, 1319–1336,,, 2013
Related subject area
Discipline: Frozen ground | Subject: Energy Balance Obs/Modelling
A new Stefan equation to characterize the evolution of thermokarst lake and talik geometry
Convective heat transfer of spring meltwater accelerates active layer phase change in Tibet permafrost areas
Water tracks intensify surface energy and mass exchange in the Antarctic McMurdo Dry Valleys
Noriaki Ohara, Benjamin M. Jones, Andrew D. Parsekian, Kenneth M. Hinkel, Katsu Yamatani, Mikhail Kanevskiy, Rodrigo C. Rangel, Amy L. Breen, and Helena Bergstedt
The Cryosphere, 16, 1247–1264,,, 2022
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New variational principle suggests that a semi-ellipsoid talik shape (3D Stefan equation) is optimum for incoming energy. However, the lake bathymetry tends to be less ellipsoidal due to the ice-rich layers near the surface. Wind wave erosion is likely responsible for the elongation of lakes, while thaw subsidence slows the wave effect and stabilizes the thermokarst lakes. The derived 3D Stefan equation was compared to the field-observed talik thickness data using geophysical methods.
Yi Zhao, Zhuotong Nan, Hailong Ji, and Lin Zhao
The Cryosphere, 16, 825–849,,, 2022
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Convective heat transfer (CHT) is important in affecting thermal regimes in permafrost regions. We quantified its thermal impacts by contrasting the simulation results from three scenarios in which the Simultaneous Heat and Water model includes full, partial, and no consideration of CHT. The results show the CHT commonly happens in shallow and middle soil depths during thawing periods and has greater impacts in spring than summer. The CHT has both heating and cooling effects on the active layer.
Tobias Linhardt, Joseph S. Levy, and Christoph K. Thomas
The Cryosphere, 13, 2203–2219,,, 2019
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This study presents surface energy fluxes in an Antarctic polar desert in the summer season, comparing wetted soil at a water track with dominating dry soils. Elevated energy uptake, evaporation, and soil heat fluxes at the water track highlight the importance of wetted soils for water and energy cycling in polar deserts. This connection will grow more relevant, as wetted soils are expected to expand due to climate warming, with implications for landscape-scale hydrology and soil ecosystems.
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Short summary
We study the surface energy balance from a cold-arid permafrost environment in the Indian Himalayan region. The GEOtop model was used for the modelling of surface energy balance. Our results show that the variability in the turbulent heat fluxes is similar to that reported from the seasonally frozen ground and permafrost regions of the Tibetan Plateau. Further, the low relative humidity could be playing a critical role in the surface energy balance and the permafrost processes.
We study the surface energy balance from a cold-arid permafrost environment in the Indian...