Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
Research article
22 Aug 2016
Research article |  | 22 Aug 2016

Mapping and assessing variability in the Antarctic marginal ice zone, pack ice and coastal polynyas in two sea ice algorithms with implications on breeding success of snow petrels

Julienne C. Stroeve, Stephanie Jenouvrier, G. Garrett Campbell, Christophe Barbraud, and Karine Delord

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Sea ice variability within the marginal ice zone and polynyas plays an important role for phytoplankton productivity and krill abundance. Therefore mapping their spatial extent as well as seasonal and interannual variability is essential for understanding how current and future changes in these biologically active regions may impact the Antarctic marine ecosystem. Assessments are complicated, however, by which sea ice algorithm is used, with impacts on interpretations on seabird populations.