Articles | Volume 19, issue 3
Research article
06 Mar 2025
Research article |  | 06 Mar 2025

Mapping subsea permafrost around Tuktoyaktuk Island (Northwest Territories, Canada) using electrical resistivity tomography

Ephraim Erkens, Michael Angelopoulos, Jens Tronicke, Scott R. Dallimore, Dustin Whalen, Julia Boike, and Pier Paul Overduin

Data sets

Marine ERT surveys acquired in the region of Tuktoyaktuk Island, Northwest Territories, Canada Pier Paul Overduin et al.

CTD measurements acquired in the region of Tuktoyaktuk Island, Northwest Territories, Canada Frederieke Miesner et al.

Video supplement

Offshore Tuktoyaktuk Island (long version) W. L. Cable and J. Boike

Short summary
We investigate the depth of subsea permafrost formed by inundation of terrestrial permafrost due to marine transgression around the rapidly disappearing, permafrost-cored Tuktoyaktuk Island (Beaufort Sea, NWT, Canada). We use geoelectrical surveys with floating electrodes to identify the boundary between unfrozen and frozen sediment. Our findings indicate that permafrost thaw depths beneath the seabed can be explained by coastal erosion rates and landscape features before inundation.