Articles | Volume 18, issue 7
Research article
22 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 22 Jul 2024

Spatially distributed snow depth, bulk density, and snow water equivalent from ground-based and airborne sensor integration at Grand Mesa, Colorado, USA

Tate G. Meehan, Ahmad Hojatimalekshah, Hans-Peter Marshall, Elias J. Deeb, Shad O'Neel, Daniel McGrath, Ryan W. Webb, Randall Bonnell, Mark S. Raleigh, Christopher Hiemstra, and Kelly Elder

Data sets

SnowEx20 Grand Mesa IOP Lidar and GPR-Derived Snow Water Equivalent, Snow Depth, and Snow Density Tate G. Meehan and Ahmad Hojatimalekshah

SnowEx20 Grand Mesa Intensive Observation Period Snow Pit Measurements, Version 1 C. M. Vuyovich et al.

SnowEx20 Grand Mesa Reference GIS Data Sets, Version 1 C. Hiemstra et al.

SnowEx20 Grand Mesa IOP BSU 1 GHz Multi-polarization GPR, Version 1 T. G. Meehan

SnowEx20 Grand Mesa IOP UNM 800 and 1600MHz MALA GPR, Version 1 R. W. Webb

SnowEx20 Grand Mesa IOP QSI Lidar Snow Depth Data, Version 1 Tate G. Meehan and Ahmad Hojatimalekshah

ASO L4 Lidar Snow Depth 3m UTM Grid, Version 1 T. Painter

Model code and software

tatemeehan/SnowEx2020_BSU_pE_GPR: Multipolarization Radargram Processing SnowEx 2020 Grand Mesa IOP (v1.0.0) Tate Meehan

Short summary
Snow water equivalent (SWE) is a critical parameter for yearly water supply forecasting and can be calculated by multiplying the snow depth by the snow density. We combined high-spatial-resolution snow depth information with ground-based radar measurements to solve for snow density. Extrapolated density estimates over our study area resolved detailed patterns that agree with the known interactions of snow with wind, terrain, and vegetation and were utilized in the calculation of SWE.