Articles | Volume 18, issue 5
Research article
22 May 2024
Research article |  | 22 May 2024

Hydrological response of Andean catchments to recent glacier mass loss

Alexis Caro, Thomas Condom, Antoine Rabatel, Nicolas Champollion, Nicolás García, and Freddy Saavedra

Data sets

Hydrological Response of Andean Catchments to Recent Glacier Mass Loss (data) Alexis Caro

Short summary
The glacier runoff changes are still unknown in most of the Andean catchments, thereby increasing uncertainties in estimating water availability, especially during the dry season. Here, we simulate glacier evolution and related glacier runoff changes across the Andes between 2000 and 2019. Our results indicate a glacier reduction in 93 % of the catchments, leading to a 12 % increase in glacier melt. These results can be downloaded and integrated with discharge measurements in each catchment.