Articles | Volume 18, issue 4
Research article
30 Apr 2024
Research article |  | 30 Apr 2024

Towards the systematic reconnaissance of seismic signals from glaciers and ice sheets – Part 1: Event detection for cryoseismology

Rebecca B. Latto, Ross J. Turner, Anya M. Reading, and J. Paul Winberry

Data sets

Electronic Supplement Rebecca B. Latto et al.

Model code and software

An ObsPy library for event detection and seismic attribute calculation: preparing waveforms for automated analysis (v1.0.3.post1) R. J. Turner et al.

beccalatto/multi_sta_lta: Towards the systematic reconnaissance of seismic signals from glaciers and ice sheets – Part 1: Event detection for cryoseismology (v1.0.0) Becca Latto

Short summary
The study of icequakes allows for investigation of many glacier processes that are unseen by typical reconnaissance methods. However, detection of such seismic signals is challenging due to low signal-to-noise levels and diverse source mechanisms. Here we present a novel algorithm that is optimized to detect signals from a glacier environment. We apply the algorithm to seismic data recorded in the 2010–2011 austral summer from the Whillans Ice Stream and evaluate the resulting event catalogue.