The revised manuscript with the title ‘Spatially continuous snow depth mapping by airplane photogrammetry for annual peak of winter from 2017 to 2021 in open areas’ by Bührle et al. provides an interesting assessment of airplane photogrammetry to derive snow depth maps over quite large areas (100 - 600 km²) in the area of Davos, Switzerland. Except for 2017 (Ultracam X), the sensor Ultracam Eagle M3 was used for the derivation of snow covered winter DSMs. The snow depths were calculated by subtracting a snow-free ALS summer DTM with a high spatial resolution (0.5 m). For some years, rather difficult acquisition conditions (fresh snow, clouds) occurred, however, the accuracy over the entire 5-year data set is very good. The study focuses on open areas and excludes areas, which are not reliable to be captured via photogrammetry (forests, high vegetation). Besides, masks for glaciated areas, settlements and lakes were applied. The overall processing chain from image acquisition to accuracy assessment is well explained in a consistent workflow. In the results and discussion section, examples of potential applications are pointed out. I believe, the manuscript and the acquired data are interesting to the readers of the journal (however, it could also fit to the journal ‘Earth System Science Data’ since a large part of the paper presents the (derivation of the) data set). In the already revised version of the first revision round, the authors have improved much. I have some minor points. Please see my comments below.
The motivation of generating snow depth maps is high for various applications as you pointed out in the introduction. However, some aspects should be clarified / pointed out more clearly in Section 1 and Section 6.2.4:
- Regarding SWE, it should be mentioned more clearly that the conversion from snow depth to SWE is not trivial and needs additional density assumptions / simulations. In the first paragraph of the current version (p. 2, l. 43ff), the reader might get the impression that you can just use the acquired snow depth maps to derive SWE.
- In l. 50, you state that snow depth maps are used for validating models. I fully agree. However, using models such as Alpine3D in combination with precipitation scaling methods (Vögeli et al., 2016) cannot be classified as validation. Here, snow depth maps serve as an input to derive simulated snow cover patterns and are used for precipitation scaling. In addition, you should mention that snow depth maps can also be used for snowpack model assimilations as various studies already presented (e.g., Alonso-González et al., 2022).
- Snow depth information on slopes is an interesting information for ski resorts. Spandre et al. (2017) as well as Ebner et al. (2021; for even more resorts, also in Switzerland) used GNSS techniques mounted snow groomers. In ski resorts, snow depth is derived with the latter method on an almost daily basis; one snow map per season is of course not sufficient for a ski resort and as your maps are acquired around peak SWE, this would rather be at the end of the skiing season and of less importance for the ski resort. However, I would recommend to mention your snow depth maps more in the context of a possible validation/comparison for GNSS derived snow depths on slopes.
The costs of airplane-based photogrammetry is as you mention a bit more economic as ALS, however, I agree with reviewer 1, that both techniques are expensive and not applicable for most regions and (scientific) applications so far. As there is not an order of magnitude of a difference in the price (30.000 – 60.000 CHF vs. 50.000 – 80.000 CHF), I recommend not pronouncing too much that your method is more economic.
There is a bit of confusion regarding the amount of reference points in the manuscript for the year 2020. In Table 1, 38 reference points are listed, in the text (e.g., Sections 3.2.3 and 4.1) you mention 40 reference points, and in Figure A1 less than 38 or 40 points are shown. Please clarify and be consistent. In addition: Are some reference points used in 2018, 2020 and 2021 the same?
L. 263: What is meant with outlying areas?
L. 271: I guess there is a typo regarding the NDSI threshold. I assume it should be 0.4 (instead of 0).
Section 4.2.2: I see the point that you increased the upper limit for the 2019 snow depth map generation to 15 m. However, please also point out that this could also lead to a potential offset compared to the other years (e.g., it could lead to a higher potential of including more high value errors (up to 15 m) than in the other years (up to 10 m)).
Section 4.2.6: Here you present the masking overview for the snow depth map 2020. How is the masking overview for the larger and smaller study areas of the years 2017 and 2018?
Table 6: Besides showing the average and standard deviation, it would make sense to include the median as well as upper and lower quantile values (e.g., Q5 and Q95) for each year.
Figure 12: The 2017 normalized snow depth map shows much darker red areas (right side of image), which are not represented in the colour bar. Are these holes in the map and the underlying upper left image shimmers through with dark? In this case, please let the holes just white.
In addition to Figure 12, it would be very interesting to show difference maps for four years taking one year as reference (e.g., 2021-2017, 2021-2018, 2021-2019, 2021-2020), then potential offsets / differences would become more visible.
Section 6.2.4: As stated above, Vögeli et al. (2016) does not use snow depth maps for validation. I would recommend renaming the title of the Section 6.2.4, e.g., to: ‘Validation and Snowpack modelling approaches’.
L.692ff: As mentioned before, it has to be pointed out more clearly that the conversion from snow depth to SWE is not trivial / straightforward.
Alonso-González, E., Aalstad, K., Baba, M.W., Revuelto, J., López-Moreno, J.I., Fiddes, J., Essery, R. and Gascoin, S., 2022. The Multiple Snow Data Assimilation System (MuSA v1. 0). Geoscientific Model Development, 15(24), pp.9127-9155.)
Ebner, P.P., Koch, F., Premier, V., Marin, C., Hanzer, F., Carmagnola, C.M., François, H., Günther, D., Monti, F., Hargoaa, O. and Strasser, U., 2021. Evaluating a prediction system for snow management. The Cryosphere, 15(8), pp.3949-3973. |