Articles | Volume 17, issue 7
Research article
26 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 26 Jul 2023

Isotopic diffusion in ice enhanced by vein-water flow

Felix S. L. Ng

Data sets

Numerical code and computed data of the paper "Isotopic diffusion in ice enhanced by vein-water flow" Felix Ng

Model code and software

Numerical code and computed data of the paper "Isotopic diffusion in ice enhanced by vein-water flow" Felix Ng

Video supplement

Supplement of the paper "Isotopic diffusion in ice enhanced by vein-water flow" Felix Ng

Short summary
The stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in ice cores are routinely analysed for the climate signals which they carry. It has long been known that the system of water veins in ice facilitates isotopic diffusion. Here, mathematical modelling shows that water flow in the veins strongly accelerates the diffusion and the decay of climate signals. The process hampers methods using the variations in signal decay with depth to reconstruct past climatic temperature.