Articles | Volume 17, issue 7
Research article
18 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 18 Jul 2023

Characterizing the surge behaviour and associated ice-dammed lake evolution of the Kyagar Glacier in the Karakoram

Guanyu Li, Mingyang Lv, Duncan J. Quincey, Liam S. Taylor, Xinwu Li, Shiyong Yan, Yidan Sun, and Huadong Guo

Data sets

USGS EROS Archive - Digital Elevation - Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Non-Void Filled USGS

High Mountain Asia 8-meter DEMs Derived from Along-track Optical Imagery, Version 1 D. E. Shean

High Mountain Asia 8-meter DEMs Derived from Cross-track Optical Imagery, Version 1 D. E. Shean

Short summary
Kyagar Glacier in the Karakoram is well known for its surge history and its frequent blocking of the downstream valley, leading to a series of high-magnitude glacial lake outburst floods. Using it as a test bed, we develop a new approach for quantifying surge behaviour using successive digital elevation models. This method could be applied to other surge studies. Combined with the results from optical satellite images, we also reconstruct the surge process in unprecedented detail.