Articles | Volume 16, issue 6
Research article
23 Jun 2022
Research article |  | 23 Jun 2022

Controls on Greenland moulin geometry and evolution from the Moulin Shape model

Lauren C. Andrews, Kristin Poinar, and Celia Trunz

Data sets

Data supporting "Controls on Greenland moulin geometry and evolution from the Moulin Shape model" L. C. Andrews, K. Poinar, and C. Trunz

Data supporting "Controls on Greenland moulin geometry and evolution from the Moulin Shape model" L. C. Andrews, K. Poinar, and C. Trunz

Model code and software

Moulin Shape model (MouSh-v1.0) L. C. Andrews, K. Poinar, and C. Trunz

Short summary
We introduce a model for moulin geometry motivated by the wide range of sizes and shapes of explored moulins. Moulins comprise 10–14 % of the Greenland englacial–subglacial hydrologic system and act as time-varying water storage reservoirs. Moulin geometry can vary approximately 10 % daily and over 100 % seasonally. Moulin shape modulates the efficiency of the subglacial system that controls ice flow and should thus be included in hydrologic models.