Articles | Volume 16, issue 5
Research article
20 May 2022
Research article |  | 20 May 2022

Flexural and compressive strength of the landfast sea ice in the Prydz Bay, East Antarctic

Qingkai Wang, Zhaoquan Li, Peng Lu, Yigang Xu, and Zhijun Li

Data sets

Flexural and compressive strength of the landfast sea ice in the Prydz Bay, East Antarctic Qingkai Wang, Zhaoquan Li, Peng Lu, and Zhijun Li

Short summary
A large area of landfast sea ice exists in the Prydz Bay, and it is always a safety concern to transport cargos on ice to the research stations. Knowing the mechanical properties of sea ice is helpful to solve the issue; however, these data are rarely reported in this region. We explore the effects of sea ice physical properties on the flexural strength, effective elastic modulus, and uniaxial compressive strength, which gives new insights into assessing the bearing capacity of landfast sea ice.