Articles | Volume 16, issue 4
Research article
11 Apr 2022
Research article |  | 11 Apr 2022

Rectification and validation of a daily satellite-derived Antarctic sea ice velocity product

Tian R. Tian, Alexander D. Fraser, Noriaki Kimura, Chen Zhao, and Petra Heil

Data sets

Passive microwave derived corrected AMSR2 Antarctic sea ice motion dataset - 2017 T. Tian

Short summary
This study presents a comprehensive validation of a satellite observational sea ice motion product in Antarctica by using drifting buoys. Two problems existing in this sea ice motion product have been noticed. After rectifying problems, we use it to investigate the impacts of satellite observational configuration and timescale on Antarctic sea ice kinematics and suggest the future improvement of satellite missions specifically designed for retrieval of sea ice motion.