Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
Research article
 | Highlight paper
24 Feb 2021
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 24 Feb 2021

Mapping avalanches with satellites – evaluation of performance and completeness

Elisabeth D. Hafner, Frank Techel, Silvan Leinss, and Yves Bühler

Data sets

Satellite avalanche mapping validation data Elisabeth D. Hafner, Frank Techel, Silvan Leinss, and Yves Bühler

Short summary
Satellites prove to be very valuable for documentation of large-scale avalanche periods. To test reliability and completeness, which has not been satisfactorily verified before, we attempt a full validation of avalanches mapped from two optical sensors and one radar sensor. Our results demonstrate the reliability of high-spatial-resolution optical data for avalanche mapping, the suitability of radar for mapping of larger avalanches and the unsuitability of medium-spatial-resolution optical data.