Articles | Volume 15, issue 12
Research article
06 Dec 2021
Research article |  | 06 Dec 2021

Multi-decadal (1953–2017) rock glacier kinematics analysed by high-resolution topographic data in the upper Kaunertal, Austria

Fabian Fleischer, Florian Haas, Livia Piermattei, Madlene Pfeiffer, Tobias Heckmann, Moritz Altmann, Jakob Rom, Manuel Stark, Michael H. Wimmer, Norbert Pfeifer, and Michael Becht


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Short summary
We investigate the long-term (1953–2017) morphodynamic changes in rock glaciers in Kaunertal valley, Austria. Using a combination of historical aerial photographs and laser scanning data, we derive information on flow velocities and surface elevation changes. We observe a loss of volume and an acceleration from the late 1990s onwards. We explain this by changes in the meteorological forcing. Individual rock glaciers react to these changes to varying degrees.