Articles | Volume 15, issue 7
Research article
23 Jul 2021
Research article |  | 23 Jul 2021

Downhole distributed acoustic seismic profiling at Skytrain Ice Rise, West Antarctica

Alex M. Brisbourne, Michael Kendall, Sofia-Katerina Kufner, Thomas S. Hudson, and Andrew M. Smith

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Cited articles

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Baird, A. F., Kendall, J. M., Fisher, Q. J., and Budge, J.: The Role of Texture, Cracks, and Fractures in Highly Anisotropic Shales, J. Geophys. Res.-Sol. Ea., 122, 10341–10351,, 2017. 
Bargmann, S., Seddik, H., and Greve, R.: Computational modeling of flow-induced anisotropy of polar ice for the EDML deep drilling site, Antarctica: The effect of rotation recrystallization and grain boundary migration, Int. J. Numer. Anal. Met., 36, 892–917,, 2012. 
Short summary
How ice sheets flowed in the past is written into the structure and texture of the ice sheet itself. Measuring this structure and properties of the ice can help us understand the recent behaviour of the ice sheets. We use a relatively new technique, not previously attempted in Antarctica, to measure the seismic vibrations of a fibre optic cable down a borehole. We demonstrate the potential of this technique to unravel past ice flow and see hints of these complex signals from the ice flow itself.