Articles | Volume 15, issue 7
Research article
16 Jul 2021
Research article |  | 16 Jul 2021

Avalanche danger level characteristics from field observations of snow instability

Jürg Schweizer, Christoph Mitterer, Benjamin Reuter, and Frank Techel

Data sets

Field observations of snow instabilities Jürg Schweizer, Christoph Mitterer, Benjamin Reuter, and Frank Techel

Short summary
Snow avalanches threaten people and infrastructure in snow-covered mountain regions. To mitigate the effects of avalanches, warnings are issued by public forecasting services. Presently, the five danger levels are described in qualitative terms. We aim to characterize the avalanche danger levels based on expert field observations of snow instability. Our findings contribute to an evidence-based description of danger levels and to improve consistency and accuracy of avalanche forecasts.