Articles | Volume 15, issue 7
Research article
02 Jul 2021
Research article |  | 02 Jul 2021

Deriving Arctic 2 m air temperatures over snow and ice from satellite surface temperature measurements

Pia Nielsen-Englyst, Jacob L. Høyer, Kristine S. Madsen, Rasmus T. Tonboe, Gorm Dybkjær, and Sotirios Skarpalezos

Data sets

EUSTACE: Globally gridded clear-sky daily air temperature estimates from satellites with uncertainty estimates for land, ocean and ice, 1995-2016 Kennedy, J.J.; Capponi, F.; Ghent, D.; Good, E.J.; Høyer, J.L.; Kent, E.C.; Madsen, K.S.; Mitchelson, J.R.; Nielsen-Englyst, P.; Tonboe, R.T

Short summary
The Arctic region is responding heavily to climate change, and yet, the air temperature of Arctic ice-covered areas is heavily under-sampled when it comes to in situ measurements. This paper presents a method for estimating daily mean 2 m air temperatures (T2m) in the Arctic from satellite observations of skin temperature, providing spatially detailed observations of the Arctic. The satellite-derived T2m product covers clear-sky snow and ice surfaces in the Arctic for the period 2000–2009.