Research article
22 Jul 2020
Research article |

22 Jul 2020
Lateral meltwater transfer across an Antarctic ice shelf
Rebecca Dell, Neil Arnold, Ian Willis, Alison Banwell, Andrew Williamson, Hamish Pritchard, and Andrew Orr
Model code and software
Fully Automated Supraglacial-Water Tracking algorithm for Ice Shelves (FASTISh).
Rebecca Dell,
Neil Arnold,
Ian Willis,
Alison Banwell,
Andrew Williamson,
Hamish Pritchard, and
Andrew Orr
Video supplement
S.2 (GIF of all 11 RGB base images)
Rebecca Dell,
Neil Arnold,
Ian Willis,
Alison Banwell,
Andrew Williamson,
Hamish Pritchard, and
Andrew Orr
S.3 (GIF of all 11 area matrices)
Rebecca Dell,
Neil Arnold,
Ian Willis,
Alison Banwell,
Andrew Williamson,
Hamish Pritchard, and
Andrew Orr
S.4 (GIF of all 11 depth matrices)
Rebecca Dell,
Neil Arnold,
Ian Willis,
Alison Banwell,
Andrew Williamson,
Hamish Pritchard, and
Andrew Orr