Articles | Volume 14, issue 5
Research article
27 May 2020
Research article |  | 27 May 2020

Snow albedo sensitivity to macroscopic surface roughness using a new ray-tracing model

Fanny Larue, Ghislain Picard, Laurent Arnaud, Inès Ollivier, Clément Delcourt, Maxim Lamare, François Tuzet, Jesus Revuelto, and Marie Dumont


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Short summary
The effect of surface roughness on snow albedo is often overlooked, although a small change in albedo may strongly affect the surface energy budget. By carving artificial roughness in an initially smooth snowpack, we highlight albedo reductions of 0.03–0.04 at 700 nm and 0.06–0.10 at 1000 nm. A model using photon transport is developed to compute albedo considering roughness and applied to understand the impact of roughness as a function of snow properties and illumination conditions.