Articles | Volume 14, issue 1
© Author(s) 2020. This work is distributed under
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the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
© Author(s) 2020. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Impact of forcing on sublimation simulations for a high mountain catchment in the semiarid Andes
Marion Réveillet
Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas (CEAZA), ULS-Campus Andrés Bello, Raúl Britan 1305, La Serena, Chile
now at: Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Université de Toulouse, Météo-France, CNRS, CNRM, Centre d'Etudes de la Neige, 38000 Grenoble, France
Shelley MacDonell
Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas (CEAZA), ULS-Campus Andrés Bello, Raúl Britan 1305, La Serena, Chile
Simon Gascoin
Centre d'Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphère (CESBIO), Université de Toulouse, CNRS/CNES/IRD/INRA/UPS, 31400 Toulouse, France
Christophe Kinnard
Département des Sciences de l'Environnement, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 3351 Boul. des Forges, Trois-Rivières, QC, G9A5H7, Canada
Stef Lhermitte
Department of Geoscience & Remote Sensing, Delft University of
Technology, Delft, the Netherlands
Nicole Schaffer
Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas (CEAZA), ULS-Campus Andrés Bello, Raúl Britan 1305, La Serena, Chile
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26 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Mass Balance and Climate History of a High-Altitude Glacier, Desert Andes of Chile C. Kinnard et al. 10.3389/feart.2020.00040
- Regime Shifts in Glacier and Ice Sheet Response to Climate Change: Examples From the Northern Hemisphere S. Marshall 10.3389/fclim.2021.702585
- Snow model comparison to simulate snow depth evolution and sublimation at point scale in the semi-arid Andes of Chile A. Voordendag et al. 10.5194/tc-15-4241-2021
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- Brief communication: A framework to classify glaciers for water resource evaluation and management in the Southern Andes N. Schaffer & S. MacDonell 10.5194/tc-16-1779-2022
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- Deep-karst aquifer spring-flow trends in a water-limited system, Grand Canyon National Park, USA H. Chambless et al. 10.1007/s10040-023-02702-w
- Multi-scale snowdrift-permitting modelling of mountain snowpack V. Vionnet et al. 10.5194/tc-15-743-2021
- Impact of Solar Radiation Management on Andean glacier-wide surface mass balance A. Fernández et al. 10.1038/s41612-024-00807-x
- The role of meteorological forcing and snow model complexity in winter glacier mass balance estimation, Columbia River basin, Canada M. Mortezapour et al. 10.1002/hyp.13929
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- Combination of Aerial, Satellite, and UAV Photogrammetry for Quantifying Rock Glacier Kinematics in the Dry Andes of Chile (30°S) Since the 1950s S. Vivero et al. 10.3389/frsen.2021.784015
- The Utility of Optical Satellite Winter Snow Depths for Initializing a Glacio‐Hydrological Model of a High‐Elevation, Andean Catchment T. Shaw et al. 10.1029/2020WR027188
- The Snowline and 0°C Isotherm Altitudes During Precipitation Events in the Dry Subtropical Chilean Andes as Seen by Citizen Science, Surface Stations, and ERA5 Reanalysis Data S. Schauwecker et al. 10.3389/feart.2022.875795
- Snow and ice in the desert: reflections from a decade of connecting cryospheric science with communities in the semiarid Chilean Andes S. MacDonell et al. 10.1017/aog.2023.51
- Análisis de los forzantes climáticos y antropogénicos en la reducción de agua en la cuenca del río Copiapó, Chile (28° S) utilizando productos satelitales A. González et al. 10.4995/raet.2024.20047
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- Hydroclimate of the Andes Part II: Hydroclimate Variability and Sub-Continental Patterns P. Arias et al. 10.3389/feart.2020.505467
24 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Mass Balance and Climate History of a High-Altitude Glacier, Desert Andes of Chile C. Kinnard et al. 10.3389/feart.2020.00040
- Regime Shifts in Glacier and Ice Sheet Response to Climate Change: Examples From the Northern Hemisphere S. Marshall 10.3389/fclim.2021.702585
- Snow model comparison to simulate snow depth evolution and sublimation at point scale in the semi-arid Andes of Chile A. Voordendag et al. 10.5194/tc-15-4241-2021
- Surface melting of snow-firn-ice structures and estimation of extended transient energy and mass balances using a liquid solid phase-change model M. Marambio et al. 10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2022.106175
- A conceptual hydrological model of semiarid Andean headwater systems in Chile G. Navarro et al. 10.1177/03091333221147649
- Brief communication: A framework to classify glaciers for water resource evaluation and management in the Southern Andes N. Schaffer & S. MacDonell 10.5194/tc-16-1779-2022
- Contrasting geophysical signatures of a relict and an intact Andean rock glacier G. de Pasquale et al. 10.5194/tc-16-1579-2022
- Deep-karst aquifer spring-flow trends in a water-limited system, Grand Canyon National Park, USA H. Chambless et al. 10.1007/s10040-023-02702-w
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- Impact of Solar Radiation Management on Andean glacier-wide surface mass balance A. Fernández et al. 10.1038/s41612-024-00807-x
- The role of meteorological forcing and snow model complexity in winter glacier mass balance estimation, Columbia River basin, Canada M. Mortezapour et al. 10.1002/hyp.13929
- Major atmospheric particulate matter sources for glaciers in Coquimbo Region, Chile F. Barraza et al. 10.1007/s11356-021-12933-7
- Would Forest Regrowth Compensate for Climate Change in the Amazon Basin? N. Haghtalab et al. 10.3390/app12147052
- Snow Processes and Climate Sensitivity in an Arid Mountain Region, Northern Chile F. Jara et al. 10.3390/atmos12040520
- Spatial distribution and controls of snowmelt runoff in a sublimation-dominated environment in the semiarid Andes of Chile Á. Ayala et al. 10.5194/hess-27-3463-2023
- A Review of the Current State and Recent Changes of the Andean Cryosphere M. Masiokas et al. 10.3389/feart.2020.00099
- Hydrological response of a headwater catchment in the semi-arid Andes (30°S) to climate change E. Yáñez San Francisco et al. 10.2166/wcc.2023.268
- Agricultural Irrigation Water Requirement and Its Response to Climatic Factors Based on Remote Sensing and Single Crop Coefficient Method J. Sun et al. 10.1007/s11269-024-03910-z
- MODIS Does Not Capture the Spatial Heterogeneity of Snow Cover Induced by Solar Radiation H. Bouamri et al. 10.3389/feart.2021.640250
- Combination of Aerial, Satellite, and UAV Photogrammetry for Quantifying Rock Glacier Kinematics in the Dry Andes of Chile (30°S) Since the 1950s S. Vivero et al. 10.3389/frsen.2021.784015
- The Utility of Optical Satellite Winter Snow Depths for Initializing a Glacio‐Hydrological Model of a High‐Elevation, Andean Catchment T. Shaw et al. 10.1029/2020WR027188
- The Snowline and 0°C Isotherm Altitudes During Precipitation Events in the Dry Subtropical Chilean Andes as Seen by Citizen Science, Surface Stations, and ERA5 Reanalysis Data S. Schauwecker et al. 10.3389/feart.2022.875795
- Snow and ice in the desert: reflections from a decade of connecting cryospheric science with communities in the semiarid Chilean Andes S. MacDonell et al. 10.1017/aog.2023.51
- Análisis de los forzantes climáticos y antropogénicos en la reducción de agua en la cuenca del río Copiapó, Chile (28° S) utilizando productos satelitales A. González et al. 10.4995/raet.2024.20047
2 citations as recorded by crossref.
Latest update: 26 Mar 2025