Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Research article
26 Jan 2018
Research article |  | 26 Jan 2018

Estimation of degree of sea ice ridging based on dual-polarized C-band SAR data

Alexandru Gegiuc, Markku Similä, Juha Karvonen, Mikko Lensu, Marko Mäkynen, and Jouni Vainio


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Short summary
The paper demonstrates the use of SAR imagery in retrieving ice-ridging information for navigation. Based on image segmentation and several texture features extracted from SAR, we perform a classification into four ridging categories from level ice to heavily ridged ice. We compare our results with the manually drawn ice charts over the Baltic Sea. We conclude that the SAR-based product is more detailed than FIS and can be used by ships (non-icebreakers) to aid independent navigation.