Articles | Volume 12, issue 4
Research article
05 Apr 2018
Research article |  | 05 Apr 2018

Nitrate deposition and preservation in the snowpack along a traverse from coast to the ice sheet summit (Dome A) in East Antarctica

Guitao Shi, Meredith G. Hastings, Jinhai Yu, Tianming Ma, Zhengyi Hu, Chunlei An, Chuanjin Li, Hongmei Ma, Su Jiang, and Yuansheng Li

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Cited articles

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The deposition and preservation of NO3 across East Antarctica was investigated. On the coast, dry deposition contributes 27–44 % of the NO3 fluxes, and the linear relationship between NO3 and snow accumulation rate suggests a homogeneity of atmospheric NO3 levels. In inland snow, a relatively weak correlation between NO3 and snow accumulation was found, indicating that NO3 is mainly dominated by post-depositional processes. The coexisting ions are generally less influential on snow NO3.