01 Dec 2016
 | 01 Dec 2016
Status: this preprint has been retracted.

Uncertainty budget in snow thickness and snow water equivalent estimation using GPR and TDR techniques

Federico Di Paolo, Barbara Cosciotti, Sebastian E. Lauro, Elisabetta Mattei, Mattia Callegari, Luca Carturan, Roberto Seppi, Francesco Zucca, and Elena Pettinelli

Abstract. Snow water equivalent is a fundamental parameter for hydrological and climate change studies but its measurement is usually time consuming and destructive. Electromagnetic methods could be a valid alternative to conventional techniques, being fast and non-invasive. In this work we analyze the reliability of a combined GPR/TDR method to estimate snow thickness and snow water equivalent. To estimate GPR accuracy we perform a calibration test where measured and predicted radar data are compared in terms of two-way travel time. Furthermore we implement a complete analysis of the uncertainty budget in order to evaluate the "weight" of each uncertainty on the snow parameters computation chain. We found that GPR, supported by TDR data, is quite reliable as it measures snow thickness and snow water equivalent with an accuracy comparable to that of a traditional method but, in general, with a slightly larger uncertainty.

This preprint has been retracted.

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Federico Di Paolo, Barbara Cosciotti, Sebastian E. Lauro, Elisabetta Mattei, Mattia Callegari, Luca Carturan, Roberto Seppi, Francesco Zucca, and Elena Pettinelli

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Interactive discussion

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Federico Di Paolo, Barbara Cosciotti, Sebastian E. Lauro, Elisabetta Mattei, Mattia Callegari, Luca Carturan, Roberto Seppi, Francesco Zucca, and Elena Pettinelli
Federico Di Paolo, Barbara Cosciotti, Sebastian E. Lauro, Elisabetta Mattei, Mattia Callegari, Luca Carturan, Roberto Seppi, Francesco Zucca, and Elena Pettinelli


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This preprint has been retracted.

Short summary
Snow water equivalent is an important parameter for hydrological and climate change studies, however its measurement is tedious and time consuming. In this paper we show that it is possible to accurately measure snow water equivalent using electromagnetic methods. During a field campaign we tested the performances of traditional methods vs. those of a Ground Penetrating Radar, founding a very good agreement between the snow water equivalent values computed with the two different methods.