Articles | Volume 8, issue 3
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© Author(s) 2014. This work is distributed under
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SMOS-derived thin sea ice thickness: algorithm baseline, product specifications and initial verification
X. Tian-Kunze
Institute of Oceanography, University of Hamburg, Bundesstraße 53, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
L. Kaleschke
Institute of Oceanography, University of Hamburg, Bundesstraße 53, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
N. Maaß
Institute of Oceanography, University of Hamburg, Bundesstraße 53, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
M. Mäkynen
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Erik Palmenin aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki, Finland
N. Serra
Institute of Oceanography, University of Hamburg, Bundesstraße 53, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
M. Drusch
European Space Agency, ESA-ESTEC, 2200 AG Noordwijk, the Netherlands
T. Krumpen
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bussestraße 24, 27570 Bremerhaven, Germany
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146 citations as recorded by crossref.
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- Snow depth on Arctic sea ice from historical in situ data E. Shalina & S. Sandven 10.5194/tc-12-1867-2018
- Thin Arctic sea ice in L-band observations and an ocean reanalysis S. Tietsche et al. 10.5194/tc-12-2051-2018
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- The spatiotemporal patterns of sea ice in the Bohai Sea during the winter seasons of 2000–2016 L. Ouyang et al. 10.1080/17538947.2017.1365957
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144 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Space‐Based Observations for Understanding Changes in the Arctic‐Boreal Zone B. Duncan et al. 10.1029/2019RG000652
- Snow depth on Arctic sea ice from historical in situ data E. Shalina & S. Sandven 10.5194/tc-12-1867-2018
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2 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Empirical sea ice thickness retrieval during the freeze-up period from SMOS high incident angle observations M. Huntemann et al. 10.5194/tc-8-439-2014
- Weekly gridded Aquarius L-band radiometer/scatterometer observations and salinity retrievals over the polar regions – Part 2: Initial product analysis L. Brucker et al. 10.5194/tc-8-915-2014
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