Articles | Volume 18, issue 12
Research article
20 Dec 2024
Research article |  | 20 Dec 2024

Temporal stability of a new 40-year daily AVHRR land surface temperature dataset for the pan-Arctic region

Sonia Dupuis, Frank-Michael Göttsche, and Stefan Wunderle

Data sets

40-year monthly mean AVHRR GAC Land Surface Temperature data for the Pan-Arctic region (Pan-Arctic AVHRR LST) Sonia Dupuis et al.

AVHRR Fundamental Data Record - Release 1 - Multimission EUMETSAT

Land cover classification gridded maps from 1992 to present derived from satellite observation Copernicus Climate Change Service, Climate Data Store

Clear-sky profile database for the development of Land Surface Temperature algorithms (v0.0.0) Sofia L. Ermida and Isabel F. Trigo

ESA Snow Climate Change Initiative (Snow_cci): Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) level 3C daily global climate research data package (CRDP) (1979-2020), version 2.0 K. Luojus et al.

ESA Snow Climate Change Initiative (Snow_cci): Daily global Snow Cover Fraction - viewable (SCFV) from AVHRR (1979-2022), version 3.0 X. Xiao et al.

Short summary
The Arctic has experienced pronounced warming the last few decades. This warming threatens ecosystems, vegetation dynamics, snow cover duration, and permafrost. Traditional monitoring methods like stations and climate models lack the detail needed. Land surface temperature (LST) data derived from satellites offer high spatial and temporal coverage, perfect for studying changes in the Arctic. In particular, LST information from AVHRR provides a 40-year record, valuable for analysing trends.