Articles | Volume 18, issue 11
Research article
19 Nov 2024
Research article |  | 19 Nov 2024

Two-way coupling between ice flow and channelized subglacial drainage enhances modeled marine-ice-sheet retreat

George Lu and Jonathan Kingslake

Model code and software

glugeorge/coupled_ice_hydrology: Code for "Two-way coupling between ice flow and channelized subglacial drainage enhances modeled marine ice-sheet retreat" (intitial) George Lu

Short summary
Water below ice sheets affects ice-sheet motion, while the evolution of ice sheets likewise affects the water below. We create a model that allows for water and ice to affect each other and use it to see how this coupling or lack thereof may impact ice-sheet retreat. We find that coupling an evolving water system with the ice sheet results in more retreat than if we assume unchanging conditions under the ice, which indicates a need to better represent the effects of water in ice-sheet models.