Articles | Volume 18, issue 10
Research article
02 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 02 Oct 2024

Modelling the effect of free convection on permafrost melting rates in frozen rock clefts

Amir Sedaghatkish, Frédéric Doumenc, Pierre-Yves Jeannin, and Marc Luetscher


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Latest update: 08 Oct 2024
Short summary
We developed a model to simulate the natural convection of water within frozen rock crevices subject to daily warming in mountain permafrost regions. Traditional models relying on conduction and latent heat flux typically overlook free convection. The results reveal that free convection can significantly accelerate the melting rate by an order of magnitude compared to conduction-based models. Our results are important for assessing the impact of climate change on mountain infrastructure.