Articles | Volume 18, issue 9
Research article
19 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 19 Sep 2024

Feedback mechanisms controlling Antarctic glacial-cycle dynamics simulated with a coupled ice sheet–solid Earth model

Torsten Albrecht, Meike Bagge, and Volker Klemann

Data sets

PISM-VILMA glacial cycle simulations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet coupled to the solid Earth and global sea level Torsten Albrecht et al.

Model code and software

Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) (v2.1) C. Khrulev et al.

Video supplement

Simulation of the relative sea level change rate around Antarctica with PISM-VILMA over the last 25 kyr Torsten Albrecht

Simulations of the relative sea level change along transect through Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica Torsten Albrecht et al.

Short summary
We performed coupled ice sheet–solid Earth simulations and discovered a positive (forebulge) feedback mechanism for advancing grounding lines, supporting a larger West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum. During deglaciation we found that the stabilizing glacial isostatic adjustment feedback dominates grounding-line retreat in the Ross Sea, with a weak Earth structure. This may have consequences for present and future ice sheet stability and potential rates of sea-level rise.