Articles | Volume 18, issue 9
Research article
18 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 18 Sep 2024

Measurements of frazil ice flocs in rivers

Chuankang Pei, Jiaqi Yang, Yuntong She, and Mark Loewen

Data sets

Current and Historical Alberta Weather Station Data Viewer Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation, Alberta Climate Information Service (ACIS)

Environmental Data, Barrier Lake Field Station Weather Data University of Calgary, Biogeoscience Institute

Sediment Data Water Survey of Canada, Historical Hydrometric Data

Historical data Environmental and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)

Short summary
Frazil flocs are aggregates of frazil ice particles that form in supercooled water. As they grow, they rise to the river surface, contributing to ice cover formation. We measured the properties of frazil flocs in rivers for the first time using underwater imaging. We found that the floc size distributions follow a lognormal distribution and mean floc size decreases linearly as the local Reynolds number increases. Floc volume concentration has a power law correlation with the relative depth.