Articles | Volume 18, issue 8
Research article
26 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 26 Aug 2024

The role of atmospheric conditions in the Antarctic sea ice extent summer minima

Bianca Mezzina, Hugues Goosse, François Klein, Antoine Barthélemy, and François Massonnet

Data sets

Global Sea Ice Concentration Climate Data Record v2.0 -- Multimission OSI SAF

ERA5 monthly averaged data on single levels from 1940 to present H. Hersbach et al.

Model code and software

NEMO model code, MetOffice (UK) branch dev_isf_remapping_UKESM_GO6package_r9314, revision 11248 P. Mathiot and D. Storkey

Short summary
We analyze years with extraordinarily low sea ice extent in Antarctica during summer, until the striking record in 2022. We highlight common aspects among these events, such as the fact that the exceptional melting usually occurs in two key regions and that it is related to winds with a similar direction. We also investigate whether the summer conditions are preceded by an unusual state of the sea ice during the previous winter, as well as the physical processes involved.