Articles | Volume 18, issue 4
Research article
05 Apr 2024
Research article |  | 05 Apr 2024

Dynamical response of the southwestern Laurentide Ice Sheet to rapid Bølling–Allerød warming

Sophie L. Norris, Martin Margold, David J. A. Evans, Nigel Atkinson, and Duane G. Froese

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The Cryosphere, 19, 869–910,,, 2025
Short summary

Related subject area

Discipline: Ice sheets | Subject: Geomorphology
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The Cryosphere, 19, 869–910,,, 2025
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Cited articles

Alley, R. B. and Bindschadler, R. A.: The West Antarctic Ice Sheet: behavior and environment, edited by: Alley, R. B. and Bindschadler, R. A., Antarctic Research Series volume 77, American Geophysical Union, Washington, 2001, 294 pp., Antarct. Sci., 13, 221–222,, ISBN 0 87590957 4, 2001. 
Alley, R. B., Clark, P. U., Huybrechts, P., and Joughin, I.: Ice-sheet and sea-level changes, Science, 310, 456–460,, 2005. 
Anderson, T. W.: Evidence from Nipawin Bay in Frobisher Lake, Saskatchewan, for three highstand and three lowstand lake phases between 9 and 10 (10.1 and 11.5 cal) ka BP, Quaternary Int., 260, 66–75,, 2012. 
Andriashek, L. D. and Atkinson, N.: Buried channels and glacial-drift aquifers in the Fort McMurray region, Northeast Alberta, Earth Sciences Report 2007-01, Alberta Geological Survey, Alberta Energy Utilities Board, 160, 2007. 
Atkinson, N.: Surficial Geology and Quaternary History of the High Prairie Area (NTS 83N/SE), Alberta Energy Resources Conservation Board, 2009. 
Short summary
Associated with climate change between the Last Glacial Maximum and the current interglacial period, we reconstruct the behaviour of the southwestern Laurentide Ice Sheet, which covered the Canadian Prairies, using detailed landform mapping. Our reconstruction depicts three shifts in the ice sheet’s dynamics. We suggest these changes resulted from ice sheet thinning triggered by abrupt climatic change. However, we show that regional lithology and topography also play an important role.