Articles | Volume 17, issue 12
Research article
19 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 19 Dec 2023

Surging of a Hudson Strait-scale ice stream: subglacial hydrology matters but the process details mostly do not

Matthew Drew and Lev Tarasov

Data sets

Analysis scripts and data for paper "Surging of a Hudson Strait Scale Ice Stream: Subglacial hydrology matters but the process details mostly don't" Matthew Drew

Model code and software

Analysis scripts and data for paper "Surging of a Hudson Strait Scale Ice Stream: Subglacial hydrology matters but the process details mostly don't" Matthew Drew

Short summary
The interaction of fast-flowing regions of continental ice sheets with their beds governs how quickly they slide and therefore flow. The coupling of fast ice to its bed is controlled by the pressure of meltwater at its base. It is currently poorly understood how the physical details of these hydrologic systems affect ice speedup. Using numerical models we find, surprisingly, that they largely do not, except for the duration of the surge. This suggests that cheap models are sufficient.