Articles | Volume 17, issue 11
Research article
27 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 27 Nov 2023

Array processing in cryoseismology: a comparison to network-based approaches at an Antarctic ice stream

Thomas Samuel Hudson, Alex M. Brisbourne, Sofia-Katerina Kufner, J.-Michael Kendall, and Andy M. Smith

Data sets

Icequake catalogues and velocity model for the publication: Array processing in cryoseismology (2.0.0) Thomas Hudson

BEAMISH 2019-20, Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica John Michael Kendall and Alex Brisbourne

Model code and software

TomSHudson/SeisSeeker: SeisSeeker Initial Release (v0.0.1-beta) Thomas Hudson

Short summary
Earthquakes (or icequakes) at glaciers can shed light on fundamental glacier processes. These include glacier slip, crevassing, and imaging ice structure. To date, most studies use networks of seismometers, primarily sensitive to icequakes within the spatial extent of the network. However, arrays of seismometers allow us to detect icequakes at far greater distances. Here, we investigate the potential of such array-processing methods for studying icequakes at glaciers.