Articles | Volume 17, issue 10
Research article
17 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 17 Oct 2023

Measuring the spatiotemporal variability in snow depth in subarctic environments using UASs – Part 2: Snow processes and snow–canopy interactions

Leo-Juhani Meriö, Anssi Rauhala, Pertti Ala-aho, Anton Kuzmin, Pasi Korpelainen, Timo Kumpula, Bjørn Kløve, and Hannu Marttila

Data sets

Unmanned aircraft system (UAS) snow depth mapping at the Pallas Atmosphere-Ecosystem Supersite Anssi Rauhala, Leo-Juhani Meriö, Pasi Korpelainen, and Anton Kuzmin

Short summary
Information on seasonal snow cover is essential in understanding snow processes and operational forecasting. We study the spatiotemporal variability in snow depth and snow processes in a subarctic, boreal landscape using drones. We identified multiple theoretically known snow processes and interactions between snow and vegetation. The results highlight the applicability of the drones to be used for a detailed study of snow depth in multiple land cover types and snow–vegetation interactions.