Articles | Volume 17, issue 9
Research article
19 Sep 2023
Research article |  | 19 Sep 2023

Deformation lines in Arctic sea ice: intersection angle distribution and mechanical properties

Damien Ringeisen, Nils Hutter, and Luisa von Albedyll

Data sets

Linear Kinematic Features (leads & pressure ridges) detected and tracked in RADARSAT Geophys- ical Processor System (RGPS) sea-ice deformation data from 1997 to 2008 Nils Hutter, Lorenzo Zampieri, and Martin Losch

High-resolution sea ice drift and deformation from sequential SAR images in the Transpolar Drift during MOSAiC 2019/2020 Luisa von Albedyll and Nils Hutter

Linear Kinematic Features (leads & pressure ridges) detected and tracked in Sentinel-1 drift and deformation data during the MOSAiC expedition Nils Hutter and Luisa von Albedyll

Model code and software

nhutter/lkf_tools: lkf_tools python package Nils Hutter

Deformation lines in Arctic sea ice: intersection angles distribution and mechanical properties - codes and intersection angle data Nils Hutter, Damien Ringeisen, and Luisa von Albedyl

Short summary
When sea ice is put into motion by wind and ocean currents, it deforms following narrow lines. Our two datasets at different locations and resolutions show that the intersection angle between these lines is often acute and rarely obtuse. We use the orientation of narrow lines to gain indications about the mechanical properties of sea ice and to constrain how to design sea-ice mechanical models for high-resolution simulation of the Arctic and improve regional predictions of sea-ice motion.