Articles | Volume 17, issue 8
Research article
17 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 17 Aug 2023

Patterns of wintertime Arctic sea-ice leads and their relation to winds and ocean currents

Sascha Willmes, Günther Heinemann, and Frank Schnaase

Data sets

ArcLeads: Daily sea-ice lead maps for the Arctic, 2002-2021, NOV-APR. Sascha Willmes, Günther Heinemann, and Fabian Reiser

CATS Projekt - Uni Trier - Simulation C15_Arctic L. Schefczyk and G. Heinemann

Short summary
Sea ice is an important constituent of the global climate system. We here use satellite data to identify regions in the Arctic where the sea ice breaks up in so-called leads (i.e., linear cracks) regularly during winter. This information is important because leads determine, e.g., how much heat is exchanged between the ocean and the atmosphere. We here provide first insights into the reasons for the observed patterns in sea-ice leads and their relation to ocean currents and winds.