Articles | Volume 17, issue 8
Research article
11 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 11 Aug 2023

Everest South Col Glacier did not thin during the period 1984–2017

Fanny Brun, Owen King, Marion Réveillet, Charles Amory, Anton Planchot, Etienne Berthier, Amaury Dehecq, Tobias Bolch, Kévin Fourteau, Julien Brondex, Marie Dumont, Christoph Mayer, Silvan Leinss, Romain Hugonnet, and Patrick Wagnon

Data sets

Pléiades DEM of 23 March 2017 - Khumbu region, Nepal Etienne Berthier

Natural color composites of VENuS images over South Col Glacier Brun, Fanny

Digital Elevation Model and 1984-2017 surface elevation change grids over the Western Cwm of Mt Everest Owen King

Simulation outputs associated to the study: "Brief communication: Everest South Col Glacier did not thin during the last three decades" by Brun et al. Marion Réveillet, Fanny Brun, Kevin Fourteau, Julien Brondex, and Marie Dumont

Uncertainty calculation for South Col Glacier geodetic mass balance Romain Hugonnet

Three layer wind erosion model for South Col Glacier A. Planchot and C. Amory

Short summary
The South Col Glacier is a small body of ice and snow located on the southern ridge of Mt. Everest. A recent study proposed that South Col Glacier is rapidly losing mass. In this study, we examined the glacier thickness change for the period 1984–2017 and found no thickness change. To reconcile these results, we investigate wind erosion and surface energy and mass balance and find that melt is unlikely a dominant process, contrary to previous findings.